Hello, my old friend

So I haven’t been following the refund posts or threads. Does one get a refund and also keep the game, or does one trade 2024 for a refund?

I got all my money back from my pre-orders. I vote with my wallet. It’s not my job to fix their stuff.
I do believe this train wreck has not come to rest yet. I don’t think we’ll be happy with 2020 support. I made a marketplace purchase yesterday that broke a bunch of my modules. I’m on my own with that issue.
Many devs are not happy with 2024’s new encryption system. The issue is that is makes it very difficult to learn in the absence of good SDK tutorials. I get it; you want to protect your IP. But, you’ve split the community between insiders and the rest of us. I hope their IP keeps them warm at night.


I am back to home also, with half the main thread ms and gpu ms, double the fps with butter smooth less buggy gameplay. Chrome is opened at background with 15+ tabs, youtubes, twitchtv all videos playing at the same time and an indie game called Balatro is at background working also… (check vram usage lol) It reall feels great and stress free again <3 Msfs2024 needs so much work to achieve this. Peace.

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Xsx version of MSFS 2020 also butter smooth and beautiful. So much better than the new sim.

Amazing console graphics in MSFS 2020.


its unbelievable how much better 2020 looks to me
maybe i’m seeing things… could be


I swear, people see and dwell on different things, and it is fascinating.

I tend to be distracted by the new added things in 2024, and you are distracted by the missing things. It changes what we each see in the same sim.

One of my favorite parts of looking at new software is trying to translate and figure out what other people are dwelling on that my own mind has filtered out until someone brings it to my attention. Graphics and sound especially, people see and hear different things when given the same content.

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The “wow” experience of going from FS24 back to FS20 should have been the feeling going from FS20 to FS24.


Distractions aside, it is a flight simulation game. All the new diversions depend upon simulating flight first, eye candy and careers are meaningless if folks can’t get off the ground and stay aloft with a reasonable amount of control over their aircraft. While the flight model is a winner, there are too many obstacles to flight, and therefore all that hangs upon flight. Sure, we can go take a hike, and I have not done that yet, but what good is eye candy if the flying part is not fun yet?

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The beauty of MSFS 2020 on Xbox Series X is breathtaking.

Why play a buggy downgraded product when we have this gem from 2020. :heart_eyes:

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2020 is suffering from the same low LOD issues on Xbox as 2024, the sims just handle LOD a little differently so you see SO much more pop in and whatnot on 2024 right now.

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Sorry, but I don’t see MSFS 2020 suffering from anything. I just took these pictures and both draw distance and LOD is 10 times better than MSFS 2024. And much sharper ground textures.

It doesn’t matter what you see, as the issue still exists on 2020, in fact, the LOD issues from 2020 are well vetted and confirmed by the devs and likely tie into the similar issues with 2024 since they both appear to be caused by the same source hardware issues and are likely both awaiting the same Xbox hardware patch from MS before Asobo can boost TLOD on console.

No doubt you can see better results in some scenarios in 2020 right now because 2024 handles TLOD differently, but both sims have had their TLOD nerfed for console.

It spawned quite the controversy this summer when SU15 dropped and nerfed everyone’s TLOD on console. There are a LOT of threads about it. We are still waiting for a fix.


I see better results in ALL scenarios.

By all means stick to 2020 as 2024 released a good three months before it will be release ready.

But I promise, LOD has been nerfed on both sims for console, and that is the main source of the issues you post in your 2024 photographs. No sense expecting better results in 2024 until they can fix the LOD. And when they do, 2020 will look even better too.

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I think you are being very optimistic. I don’t believe in fairy tales about GDK coming to save this MSFS 2024 mess. And it’s not 3 months but a full year of work, maybe more.


Look, you joined these forums when 2024 launched and I have been here for years. I am just trying to catch you up on recent news developments you likely missed because you weren’t yet part of the community. Especially since that information I just shared with you directly pertains to the issue you reported in this thread.

Usually, people appreciate such supplemental information when they are trying to understand a problem they have reported. :woman_shrugging:

For now, if 2020 works for you, fly it! That’s what many others are doing. 2024 is undeniably undercooked. Especially on Xbox. It won’t improve without patching.


Getting back to our old friend, I easily have 3x more 2020 hours logged than in 24 since the launch (and 10 times more fun). Keeping an eye on the Forums easily takes an hour or more a day just to scan for my concerns & interests. For those who are attempting/flying 24 daily, anything you are seeing that is working and worth trying while we wait for patches? Or just hang out in 2020 until the next patch, watchful waiting as they say in healthcare? Cheers!

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I’m sitting in the Commanche (in 2020) and watching a C152 taxiing and noted an avatar sitting in the pilot’s seat.

Am I misremembering here, but aren’t the AI aircraft devoid of pilots and taxi around empty in 2024?


MSFS2020 in VR this afternoon, flight from Jersey to Biarritz in the AA5B. Initially I had a lot of problems with stuttering and freezing so shut it down and checked all my settings, tweaking one or two then tried again.
Much better this time, but is it me or has the scenery suddenly improved. It seemed to be much better, clearer and more realistic, buildings in particular looked 3D. So I was wondering, is it possible MSFS has introduced the new scenery into 2020. I’m thinking the problems I was having could be due to new scenery…
Who needs MSFS2024!


Hello. What flight stick are you using? I’ve got the T.Flight HOTOS One. Having issues with the bindings! Can you assist me?


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