Help! Frame Rate Limit not working in title screen

I have fps limited to 60fps but at the main menu its crushing out over 100fps and burning up my laptop. how do you get msfs’s own frame rate limiter to actually work while in the menu system?

it’s making the sim unplayable because it’s damaging my hardware

You can try to limit the FPS using RTSS (Rivatuner), if you have NVidia graphic card.

The V-sync and frame limiter in game are labeled for TV monitors that run in 60 hz, 60 equals your monitor’s refresh rate, 30 half your monitor’s refresh rate and 20 a third, I run my monitor at 75 hz and set limiter to 30, that give me a lock at 37.5 fps, half my monitors refresh rate, and it works great, my experience is that it works better to use the in game V-sync and frame limiter than in Nvidia panel when you know how it works.

If you have an Nvidia card, you can set a custom frame-rate limit in the Control Panel…

It has always annoyed me that the MSFS has a “Movie” running in the background BURNING up my GPU Card when I am only sitting on a MENU !!!

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Set V-sync and frame limiter to match your monitor’s refresh rate and your problems is solved.

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