OK I saved up 44 million and bought the 737 max. In freelance mode I fail before I even start a mission. The first time I started the engines and got a failure because I left the gate (STAND) without doing a step. So next time I hit CNTL N to skip to takeoff and immediately failed because I missed the same step. What do I need to do in Freelance Career mode to start up the 737MAXA??
Happened to me too a few minutes ago. No insurance payout for some reason. Just wrecked plane sitting at the stand in vegas after ctd after long flight this morning. And sold my pc24, pc12, Saab and king air to get. Now have to start over so I am going to leave back to 2020 for a while. I’m very frustrated. Could be great when bugs are squashed.
Alt F4 if that happens.
I’ve never had a problem using shift-c to get in at the larger airports.
Never press Alt-n in the 737.
Also be careful on the ifr request. Don’t click too fast/early or you’ll never be able to request ifr clearance.
You can end passenger boarding early using ground crew menu.
Here’s a quick walk through of enabling the auto-pilot:
This does not cover cold-start.
I just spent a day learning the 737 and mastering the autopilot etc, but it is pretty buggy in terms of VRAM usage with my 3070 and is pretty hard to fly on landings (autoland). I cranked the speed up to 155… you have my condolences if this is supposed to be a training aircraft.
Moved to User Support Hub as OP is requesting assistance from the community.
Questions for the group:
What does ALT F4 actually do?
So I spend all my money 44 mil to but the 737max and didn’t have enough to do the transfer to an airport. Then, I crashed on my 1st fight hitting AT N to skip to TAXI. Then I had 27 million to get the plane out of the orange - need repair zone.
Low frame rates and non responsive controller cost me to crash my 737 and now it will cost 54 million to fix. Just as well it kept asking for IFR clearance, no matter how many times I push that â– â– â– â– button.
OK - so my question is with the 737 in freelance mode (where you can’t mess up or I’ll cost you big $$$), how do you get past the "you leftthe gate (stand) without … error? Alt N is no help, and you must also request IFR clearance, but hitting ENTER never gets you a responce.
So whatis the secret to fly a 7437 mission in freelance mode without attempting to skip a step? What steps are needed? I added passengers, fuel, catering and baggage, but when I pushback I get that “you left” error and my landing gear is damages to a tune of 1 million dollars and mission end in failure.
Doing a 737 in employee mode is simple and I can easily complete those missions by hitting ALT N to progress, in freelance it will cause a failure.
Are you editing the cruise altitude in the EFB before launching the mission? That was causing skipping the preflight to cause failures / crashes for me.
No I can’t even pull away to skip to taxi. Remember in Freelance mode this happens not in employee mode
Any advice to get the 737 max in freelance career mode. I now the 737 really well but I must be doing something wrong: Here are my questions
- I can’t get IFR clearance - I hit ENTER but it doesn’t accept my input. How do I proceed?
- I crash at the gate because I missed a step. Do I need to do a walk around in freelance mode?
- when passengers are boarding - it takes long, can I just end boarding??
- Can I ever hit ALT N with the 737 once airborne to advance to final???
OK here is another BUG. I finally got a flight with IFR clearance. Got Tower and they gave me clearance to take off. In the air (after takeoff) MISSION STEPS says PRESS ALTN to SKIP TO TAKEOFF. Clearly the sim has no idea where I am I continue the flight and land but sim doesn’t recognize Iland and I can’t complete the flight. This has happened several times. Clearly a BUG in logic progresion of the missions.
Yes, I was editing the cruise altitude before the flight. I tried a mission without touching it and the mission was finally successful. So you may be on to something
Bottom line, if you are unable to get the OFR clearance by clicking enter, the game is glitching. It happens every so often. You just have to restart and try again.
Never been able to skip anything prior to getting taxi clearance - ever. It is always a fail. Once you acknowledge that clearance though, zero issues.
The 737 missions are the most bugged, by far. The ATC is nothing more than a punitive reputation/credit thief.
This is the exact problem I’m having, and in employee mode. It shows preflight without any options or instructions, and after about less than 30 seconds it crashes. Cost me my almost maximum tier S and now, non of those special (star) missions is available anymore. What do I do to have the star missions appear again? I want to buy the 737 Max, already passed the certification.
Also, I was seeing the 44,000,000 Cr and the 99,000,000 Cr versions when I didn’t have the money, but now that I have the money, the 44m one has disappeared, and I can only see the 99m
Anyways, how do I get gold star missions to reappear? Once failed (left the stand, blah blah blah), it disappears.
And yes I always tweaked my altitude. Happy to know that that might be the issue.
The developers have seen fit to remove the cheap 737 and replace it with one double the price.
You can get the star missions back by having an A rating. Pretty easy to get an S with cargo or especially fire fighting initial attack.