Help With Carenado PA34

Just purchased and downloaded the Carenado PA34 V and it sets dead its in the Sim and iPad works controls work but other wise does not power up no matter how configured…Even tried the runway lined up setting in the pre-flight menu in the sim when it loads it is dead on the runway.

It is possible it maybe purchesed under the wrong E-mail than recognized in the Sim.


I am using Honeycomb Flight yoke and Bravo Throttle. I uninstalled and reinstalled still the same.

Did you use the iPad to set it to ready to taxi or for takeoff? Or you could try this checklist starting on page 7…

Power up? Electric or Engines? I do know that the Honeycomb starter switch has caused issues for the engine start on a friends rig.

I don’t use the Honeycomb system, but have you tried looking at both the Flight Controller mapping and the keyboard bindings? If there’s a conflict, that can cause a problem.

The PA34 Seneca V is a nice aircraft, and Carenado has just pushed an update. Good luck getting it sorted… you’ll love it when you finally get airborne! :slight_smile:

Yes all the above. I tried from setting the aircarft to active runway from MSFS menu it lines up with engines and power off I can here the avionics fan. No fuel pump sound the start does not activate. I’ve use the iPad and the plane goes through the motions but dose not start. Like a bad battery. I’ve downloaded the check list watched at least 4 others on Youtube still nothing.

I’m wonder if its a bad Lic issue

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