Hi, I just ordered the Turtle Beach velocity flight one system, and I’m running in to a bit of an issue. The elevator axis seems to be mis-calibrated. I noticed when looking at the sensitivies in MSFS that when pulling back on the yoke it would never go to zero, although pushing it in all the way does work.
So when going into game controller calibration and showing raw values, I see the elevator axis only travels from 64 to 1023, not the 0 to 1023 that all the other axes (properly) go.
I’m definitely hitting the stops when using the yoke, so I’m not sure why it never zeros out. Is this an issue with the controller - do I need to return it for another unit?
If you can’t calibrate it out in Windows, it sounds like a return to me. However, it might be with while to ask on their Discord server first. At times they have provided debug tools for various issues to owners with problems.
Yes … I had the very same issues , full forward aileron = death … I was forced to , physically, hold the yoke so that the + was ‘on-center’ … then click ‘ok/next’ … for me that solved it (it was impossible , many, many tries , until I went for this ‘Hail-Mary’) … oh … in Windows, not in training on Velocity ! … question: Do the ‘verniers’ work in MSFS , in-game? … mine don’t, trying to figure out why … (had mine replaced once already) …
Yes. I use them for the C172/C152.
Just to follow up on this, it seems the joystick was mis-calibrated prior to packaging. Turtle Beach has documentation on how to reset the calibration (I found this on discord in their faqs-and-fixes channel):
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/902310469744865351/950427376397983764/FAQs_VelocityOne_Flight_1.3.pdf, after doing so everything is working great.
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Flight management display no more buttons work.
In MSFS 2020 it jumps back and forth between cockpit and exterior view
Since the display no longer works, no chance.
The button Camera mode switch (cockpit/exterior) always has a white background in the control. Maybe that’s why the display is blocked.
Ich hoffe immer noch, dass ich die €380 nicht entsorgen muss.
Answer from support today: Could you please uninstall the TB Control Center app and then download it again from Xbox Store (Xbox) or Microsoft Store (PC). Then install the newly downloaded Control Center app and try the update again. I then went back to v1.1 and then re-upgraded. And now everything works as it should.
Can someone repost this solution++