High GPU at Title Screen?

As I’m browsing the main menu or marketplace, my PC fans are roaring away and GPU use is consistently >40%. Anyone else find this odd or know why it needs to do that?

I’ve not encounterd another game that dominates my GPU just for the main menu and options.

That happened to me when I did not limit the frame rate in game. Try setting vsync to on selecting 60 or 30 frames per second.

Vsync on seems to help Menu - GPU High Temps ??

thanks, but I do have V-sync and 60fps cap on (actually i dont know how to turn it off).
and i have a 2080 super max-q

but still it tried to melt me

Capping your FPS helps, the only negative is that you don’t have the option to cap the menu individually from the rest of the sim… on other tittles you can just cap the menu and not worried about the other stuff.

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