I guess it’s more a matter of the reflectivity of surfaces.
In Cinema 4D I would decrease that first, and not the brightness.
For glass cockpit eye adaptation seems to be gone, analog still there, strange.
Seems fixed for me in the fenix.
Good work.
Yes I also found that the hangar is still overexposed, and also the colors are wrong (probably due to that)
I still see that the lightest terrains are overexposed, particularly in the morning. I don’t think it’s an autoexposure problem, but rather, as someone has mentioned, a matter of the reflectivity of certain terrains (particularly those without vegetation: arid, rocky, etc
Yes I completely agree with this, 100%. It looks terrible when there is too much light on the terrain. Unrealistic, and highlights the bad textures, and makes buildings etc look grainy and shimmery.
Just in case there was any misconception that this auto exposure/eye adaptation issue was fixed, once can clearly see that it isn’t fixed at all.
This is the brightness level of the cockpit when looking with a wide view of the cockpit and of outside.
This is the brightness level in the cockpit when looking down at the pedestal.
One can clearly, clearly, see that a load of artificial exposure/brightness has been added. Just look at the difference. Far, far, far too bright.
And now at the gate.
Lighting levels are just all wrong.
I don’t see any overexposure in your cockpit screenshots. It makes sense to me, increasing the brightness of otherwise too dark areas (cockpit in your first image) when no very bright areas (sun, sky) are in the field of view. Displays with normal dynamic range are just not capable of covering the full brightness range that our eyes can see.
For that outside at the gate image - it could be a bit brighter, when not simulating that you are wearing sunglasses.
Still a problem on my side in the latest Beta patch.
In most lighting conditions interiors are wildly overexposed, and this issue wasn’t present at launch.
The over-exposure that I was seeing before while flying the C152 is now much much better. I would have to check other aircraft because I know each aircraft cockpit responds differently to the eye adaptation routine (or at least it always has). I really like what I’m seeing though. I’m running 1080p non HDR.
I wonder, did it ruin sunrise though?
HDR is just not looking good ATM. If you look away from the instruments and onto the world from your cockpit, the entire screen becomes kind of dim. And, when you’re using chase cam, the skies and clouds are overpowering and too bright. If you look fully down on your plane from top in chase cam, it gets way too overexposed during sunsets and sunrises. Really odd.
The public version has far better HDR and I would say 2020 still has better HDR implementation, even though I like how the sun looks in 2024 and you can see the circular scratches and scruffs on fighter jets cockpits, e.g. really neat touch!
Just had a dusk flight with the H125 and yes, the sky renders a bit too bright. The now quite slow brightness adaption (some seconds) when changing the view in the cockpit between almost no outside and almost only outside visible is unrealistic (if it is to simulate eye adaption: they adapt almost instantaneously!) and irritiating. During dusk, the darker the outside gets, the darker should be the whole screen, as our eyes below some light level are only able to adapt very slowly (several minutes) with color vision dropping out, which can and should not be simulated on screen! Then, also inside the cockpit unlit portions should be really dark.
Don’t you feel the HDR exposure is perfectly balanced in the latest public build?
It looks kind of overdone right now in the beta and still inconsistent. I really like 2020’s HDR balancing and exposure levels.
This. The sim looks bad now. Everything is overexposed, some buildings have the same color as the background sky. Cockpit looks bright in cloudy and low light conditions. It seems that it is bumped up everywhere, even in the main menu.
Please Asobo, if there is one case where something is underexposed, don’t overexpose everything in an attempt to fix it.
In HDR it still looks okay-ish because of the increased brightness range but in SDR a lot of detail is lost now in the clouds and sky. And the cockpit is bright now in all conditions.
I’m a VR flyer and exposure in the cockpit view now gets very overexposed. Under certain conditions and time of day the cockpit gets so bright that the outside view is almost fully washed out, the interior is very bright and the glass displays unreadable.
If I flip to the outside view it looks great and go back to the cockpit totally overexposed. It looks like the autoexposure reads the extended view available in VR while in the cockpit where it should be darkish and then way over compensates trying to make it lit up. This makes the outside and glass displays overexposed and the whole cockpit lit up.
Worked better in the non-beta for me in VR.
After flying a bit more, I must conclude that the current SU1 “beta2” from 31.01.25 is not as unusable as “beta1” concerning brightness.
But I also find it still way overexposed overall.
Much worse than the non-beta.
Hopefully we receive SU1beta3 tomorrow that reverts back to the original state pre-SU1beta state…
If there is no fix tomorrow, I’ll uninstall the beta once again.
Yep the auto exposure changes/eye adaptation is still overdone.
It can be basically dark outside, and even with no lights on in the cockpit it’s still like midday with really bright sun inside.
It is definitely overdone. In chase cam, the clouds look very overexposed when the sun is up. I cannot understand why they changed it, it looks perfectly fine in the current public build. I have to admit I do not like this overexposed cartoony, bright and poppy CGI look.
I just want it to look as close to the real world as possible, not the developer’s rendition of what is “realistic” or “desirable”, with all due respect.
Ya the Beta is overdone with the brightness they need to revert back to the original or create a slider.