I picked up a Pico 4 yesterday to try it against my quest 2. I am running VD with a 3080. It was consistently more laggy than my Quest 2 on the same settings when turning my head. Game latency consistently higher than with the Quest 2. Where I get 72 fps with the Quest I get 60 and a bit of choppyness with the Pico.
Only 72Hz available in VD settings. 72 fps target. 70 Mbps stream. 3070 High setting. VDXR. OXRT unchanged.
I run the Oculus tray tool with the Quest 2 for some settings. Are there any similar tools for the pico that I should be running?
So far I don’t think I’ll be switching. The image was clear, I’ll give it that, but that also meant I could see the individual pixels more clearly as well. Give and take I guess.
I know the Pico 4 has a higher resolution per eye, but as the resolution is set in VD and I use the same as for the Quest 2 the stream that is encoded and displayed in the headset should be the same shouldn’t it? I’m not trying to push more pixels with the same GPU. I just bought the Pico for the lenses.