Hire HiFi Sim Damian to fix the weather in the sim for good!

Hifisim has a very good track record for making real life weather, you could make him fix flaws/make it better in MSFS! You did hire WT, so this would make the sim even better!


How’s the weather in DCS? I haven’t flown it for a while, and while it’s nice to be able to blow stuff up, the vanilla scenery couldn’t even come close to what we have (with all its flaws) in this sim.

It’s like working title, who have a passion for aircraft / systems simulation - HiFi clearly have a passion for the weather and atmosphere! Got my vote!



but what is more important here we all don’t know :slight_smile: - contracts and claims behind. People pls try think for first. Sometimes I feel really that some personalities here are nothing more than lobby for specific devs. Your vote system is nothing in case contracts are defined and set, pls think about that. Stay at ground with both feets.


So you haven’t played msfs in a year and you somehow seem to know that the weather is bad. I don’t understand.

The weather is not perfect, but it is in my opinion also not as bad as you make it seem like.

In fact, I find that it in some cases it now matches real weather closer than in the beginning


I agree 100%! The live “weather” [wind and where clouds should be] accuracy is much, much better than it was at launch - BUT what Asobo needs to improve is the variety of clouds, and fix the cloud opacity issue. For example, all we pretty much ever see are cumulus puffs everywhere. Stratus are rare and either only associated with weather systems/large storms or sometimes in coastal California. Higher altitude clouds are pathetic, and generic - but they are showing where they should be at anyway. Almost like a placeholder - now Asobo needs to turn up the power. The clouds are very accurate as far as “where they should be” and rain cells are impressively close (or close enough) to real world storm systems - except for isolated thunderstorms…

Those smaller but more powerful one-off isolated thunderstorms (or thunderstorms and actual towering cumulus like we had at launch) are NOWEHERE to be found since SU4-ish and before.


Hey @Asobo we see you’re listening! THANK YOU for considering this! In the 16 May dev update, this very topic is shown on the Wishlist in the #5 spot as “under consideration” - this is awesome news!

Again, it’s not like we’re asking for Asobo to cut their ties with Meteoblue, all were asking is for a professional developer such as Damian @ HiFi to help develop much more realistic weather in the game., much like Working Title is doing for Asobo in their specialty area. So Damian could “work alongside” MeteoBlue and Asobo to create the most realistic and immersive weather we’ve ever seen in a game.

Thanks again for listening and acknowledging our request!


Almost 800 views and only 60 votes???

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Sorry, I’m sure they’re lovely, and have worked very hard on it. But I’ve seen enough Youtube Videos comparing Active Sky against Live Weather and actual Real World out the window weather to see that Microsoft’s Live weather, is much more accurate.

There are far more pressing matters.


Have used Active Sky in FS9, FSX, P3Dv3 / v4 / v5, XP11 / 12 and MSFS and I do agree it would be really nice. Don’t think it would ever happen though.

You do know that Active Sky is like this because Asobo restricts third party developers, not because HiFi can’t be as good as Live Weather?
So if HiFi would cooperate with official development, amazing things would happen, believe me…

Furthermore, HiFi monitors the feedback on the forums on a daily basis and - obviously, to the best of their limited possibilities - they are constantly improving the product, which is not the case with MSFS Live Weather.
Thus, I suspect that if HiFi were involved in the development, we would expect something similar, since HiFi would only be involved specifically with the weather, not with other developments.


MeteoBlue, while not perfect, is still a good addition to MSFS because it provides weather data for all locations outside of METAR zones. Damian would have to work in conjunction with the MeteoBlue data to make MSFS live weather better.

I am voting for this topic, but only under the condition that MeteoBlue continued to be used (or if there is another more accurate weather data provider than MeteoBlue but my understanding is, MeteoBlue are one of the best in their field).


The weather is fine, when it works. Most of time is clear sky… obviously not updating or connecting to their… “servers stuff”.
It’s not like the weather we have now in sim which is pretty good (when it works) was done by a grandma between crochet sessions and uh oh we need DamianX to save us from doom.
It’s actually offensive to current engineers that work on this at Asobo and co. Not that sometimes they don’t deserve some scolding… like those that made the entire interface with super thin sliders to destroy eyes and neurons in VR :smiley: :smiley: .

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This is THE #1 thing keeping MSFS from being the best it can be.


Would be already sufficient for me if they finally fix the bugged snow coverage tbh…

LiveWX looks pretty good imho.

What we lack are CBs, thunderstorms(reaching 30000ish ft) etc, and realistic turbulence in relation to these clouds + turbulence at the buttom of cumulus clouds etc etc.

I never see lightning in liveWX, and I can fly my mighty C152 through any severe liveWX - very little turbulence, no roll movement (just these rapid yaw-gusts), updrafts for miles…




With regards to live weather where are;

  • Thunderstorms with lightning (very rare)
  • Low visibility
  • Correct surface level winds that create big waves on the sea
  • Proper blending of METAR & Non METAR areas (“bubbles” still exist around airports)
  • Different cloud types

I bought this simulation after SU7 so I wasn’t around when apparently most of those items above were in effect, it’s a great shame that live weather has gone so backwards, so is the answer to hire this guy? Who knows, I don’t want to have to buy a separate product to make the live weather better when it should be worked by the developers themselves.

It seems to be that SU7 was a mistake that hasn’t been rectified, there are many issues and now with no more updates until next year we’re stuck with a poor representation of live weather, it’s a great shame if things were better in the past than they are now.



I bought this sim way before SU7 and can confirm that the weather system was almost spot on, excellent. The overcast was really overcast, not this cumulus mess we are seeing today. And that is why it is so sad that things has gone backwards regarding the weather. I also bought Active sky and now things looks a bit more how they looked in the early days. That is more realistic.


Clouds, yes. Snow coverage was rubbish from the moment they added it…

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Clouds were never “correct,” they only looked good and approximated position and movement, which when compared with real-world was off enough as to be operationally unusable for flight planning and in-flight avoidance (especially when IFR).

Even though they looked a lot better and had variation in type, this was just an eye-candy facade masking the fact that the sim has major limitations that will never allow for correct modeling and most importantly, behavior and evolution of clouds, regardless of how they look. Hopefully this is addressed in a future update (including 2024).