Honeycomb Throttle Quadrant not registrering full axis

Hello, I just recently bought a Honeycomb bravo throttle Quadrant for my Sim.
However, calibrating the Throttle Axis’s it doesn’t register the full up and down movement of the thrust levers, so when it’s in idle (In Real Life) it’s in Reverse Thrust in the game, and also the “Toggle Reverse Thrust” also doesn’t work when i try to set that up to prevent it.

(I’m Using PC-XBOX)

I would very much appreciate anyone who might know a fix to this problem, or might have dealt with it themselves and found out how to fix it!

Kind Regards,

Try a different axis. You should see some that say 100%, 80%, etc.


Hello LouP

It doesn’t matter which axis setting I use, like 0-100% or Just the “Axis” it doesn’t registrer the whole way when I move it up and down on the throttle Quadrant


Regarding the "toggle reverse thrust’ thing there have been reported problems in the past with this. Something to do, from memory, with some wires being a bit short I think and coming loose when the reverse thrust axis is used a lot. I don’t use the reverse thrust axis on my Bravo for this reason.

Not saying this is your problem by the way but just thought I would throw it out there FWIW.

Hi David, I don’t want to state the obvious but just to make sure:
you are aware that on all 6 axis idle is where the detent is and not at the lowest position possible. Moving the levers down past the detent just operates a switch that can be used for reverse thrust or whatever you assign to it.

HTH, Frank

Hello Frank,

Thanks, yes I am aware, the problem is that it doesn’t register the whole Axis ABOVE the reverse thrust, and therefore thinks i use reverse thrust when it’s in climb.


hello, Thanks for this response

the throttle was bought under a week ago, and I have only used it for like 3 days, so I hope that’s not the reason.


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Me too.

If you’ve only used it for 3 days then I would be surprised if it is your problem. It’s very likely something else and probably not hardware related given that you have hardly used it :+1:

Hey David,

Have you tried to calibrate it in Windows?


Hey LouP,

No I have not, how would I do that?


To check it in windows go to settings and search for game controllers.
Also, do you have any other controllers plugged in that may be conflicting with the honeycomb? I suspect this may be your issue.
This is how mine are set up. The axis read backwards but work correctly.

Hey Jewel,

Thanks, however this still doesn’t work sadly

Starting to think the real problem is that it isn’t calibrated in windows. Above method or go to control panel/devices and printers. Right click on the controller and select game controller settings. Highlight the controller and select properties. It should open on the test page where you can move the controller and see if it’s behaving properly. If not, go to the settings tab and select calibrate and follow the steps from there. This is all in Windows 10 but I would hope windows 11 is similar.


my next suggestion is to try Spad.next. they offer a 2 week trial period so you will know if this solves your issue.

I use Spad for everything . You should be able to download a snippet to get you started and allow you to check your system.
Spad allows you to program things that you can’t in MSFS

It is calibrated however that somehow doesn’t really work

Thanks, I will try to see if Spad helps :+1:

What do you mean when you say it doesn’t work? If it doesn’t work in Windows, it will never work in MSFS.

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Yeah excactly, and that’s what I’m frustrated about

Calibration issue with Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant : r/MicrosoftFlightSim (reddit.com) might be worth a look?

The fault doesn’t appear to be a perfect match for yours, but it was close enough for me to think of posting. Just in case.

If you don’t like following links, by the way, the suggested solution was to reset the Windows calibration to default and leave it that.

Hey Thanks a lot for this, I will definitely take a look at this and come back with an answer if it was the solution or not.