Honeycomb yoke freezing up

I’ve been having some issues with my honeycomb yoke since the last set of patches, occasionally it will lock up the buttons and not respond when I’m trying to move the camera around or trim. If this lock up happens while I’m using one of those buttons or switches it will continue to hold that input which isn’t fun when you’re trimming the plane. Wondering if anyone else has been having these issues, it’s not consistent. some flights will be fine but some will be plagued almost the whole flight.

Unfortunatley I’m not seeing this kind of behaviour. My honeycomb has remained fine. I’ve done roughly half a dozen flights since the last update and hotfix with no issues. Is it always the same aircraft / type of flight? My flights have all been in the G36 or 172.

Suggest you unplug honeycomb, restart system, open game, and delete it if it shows up on controls. Then stop game (exit) shutdown system, plug back in and let MSFS find it again, think it will work better after that, just guessing here.

thanks for the suggestions, I’ll take some more notes on what aircraft it happens with and try the suggestions of Meridian, i’ll report back if I have any updates.

Not saying it is the issue but have you checked the wire that connects the yoke too the base. as it’s a failure point as it moves about alot in the socket. No idea why they went with such a short rigid cable.

Haven’t looked into that but it could be that, since the rest of the yoke still works. I’ll keep an I on that and try moving it around next time there’s problems.

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I had a similar issue. I moved the Honeycomb yoke from a USB2 port to a USB3 port and the problem went away.

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unfortunately mine is already in usb 3 port, but i could try a different one. Wish this problem was more reproducible so i could trouble shoot more easily, didn’t happen once yesterday.

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No second monitor

I’ve tried everything so far with no luck. Thankfully it doesn’t happen all to often, if someone has any other ideas or if someone else has the same problem feel free to post in here. I’ll try to update if I find out anything else.

After nearly giving up I have found a repeatable pattern for my problem. I went into the options menu to watch as I used the controls to see if they were freezing up, it seemed to be working 100% but after several minutes, one of the buttons seemed delayed on the release. I tried it a few more times and realized the error was related to me using the roll axis.

I continued experimenting and determined that rolling left or pulling back on the yoke would trigger the controls on the yoke to freeze. I did another test while writing this comment by firing up xplane11 and determined that it is they alpha yoke that is doing this as the same behavior was observed in that sim.

I’m going to be doing a little more searching the web to see if anyone else has this problem then probably contact honeycomb tomorrow if I can’t find a solution.

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After being able to find a repeatable pattern, I tried this again. This is the cause of the problem, I tried flipping the cable around and it just got worse unfortunately but at least I can hopefully find a way to fix it.

edit: replacing it with a normal ethernet cable worked fine for now, a little longer than I would like but hey, it works.

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Glad you found the problem and at least it’s easy to fix.

Honeycomb should fix it, so silly to use such a short cable that means stress is put on the connector. An extra cm on the cable and the issue would probably not exist.