Horrible Graphics in Switzerland in MSFS2024

Dear all: I created a bug report for this issue!
Please vote for it. Please support it!
This must be fixed asap!

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Hi there, after further investigation, I think one of the problems regarding ugly desaturated, brownish or blueish ground scenery is related to Vexcel aerials.

Vexcel aerials were annouced as a new kind of data used in MSFS 2024 as “countryside aerials”. It has a very detailed height map, almost like photogrammetry. Jorg said they bought thousands of square kilometers of those.

On the showcase event of MSFS 2024, Jorg presented a world map showing these Vexcel areas and a picture of the mountains near lake Constance, which indeed looks very detailed.

I managed to find what I think are 2 of these areas in the Alps : one is in french southern Alps, roughly from Sisteron to Briançon, including some valleys in Italy. The other one is the one Jorg was showcasing : roughly between lake Constance and Lucern in Switzerland.

This data is very detailed BUT there is a serious problem with coloring, which can even get worse with the seasonnal masking of the terrain. At the end of the day, the grass is never green, it’s either brown or blue and everything looks really unrealistic. This needs to be adressed !


French southern Alps on April 25th, when it should be shiny green ! The same, or worse, all year long

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