Hot Fix Drivers Giving Much Better Performance

It’s actually worse here (2070). I’m rolling back

Tried it out there. Got a 5-8fps increase on my 1660 Super, no increase on my main system with a 2080ti.

Do i need 452.06 before i install the Hotfix or can i Uninstall my Driver and just install the Hotfix?

Just download it and it will override the original so no need to do anything

My experience has been… Hotfixes = urgent fix for a specific issue that may not be well tested.

If you have the time and wherewithal to manage the rollback process if something goes wrong, go for it.

Otherwise I would wait for the GA version.

Nothing change for me, good fps but a hell of stutters, no matter what I do.
Using rivatunner with 1/2 refresh rate (60hz monitor) is the only way to make it playable but far away from what I got in x-plane and p3dv5.

9600k + 1660 Super