How can I get 60FPS as others say they have?

This is probably a stupid question but here goes. I see posts about people getting 60 FPS etc but I appear to be stuck around 25. I know that I have my settings cranked up so I guess my question would be, what are your settings with a similar system? How can I get more FPS? It runs fairly smooth with a few burps. Here are my specs.
System Specs:
Power Supply: Corsair RM850X
MB: MSI Gaming Pro Carbon
DUAL 2GB NVMe Drives. One in TURBO M.2 slot. 4TB Total
CPU: Intel i9-9900KF 3.60 ( I overclock MSFS2020 to 5.0 when possible.)
RAM: 32GB Corsair RGB RAM
Windows 10 64
GRAPHICS: nVidia GeFORCE RTX 2080 TI. I DO NOT O/C the 2080.
Res: 2560X1040 (144Hx)
Dual DELL S2716DG Monitors.
Onboard Audio.
All drivers up to date.

MSFS 2020:
Resolution = 2560 X 1440
Render Scale = 100
Terrain LOD = 200
Terrain Vector Data = ULTRA
Buildings = ULTRA
Grass & Bushes = ULTRA
Objects LOD = 200
Vol. Clouds = ULTRA
Anisotropic Filter = 16X
Texture Sampling = 8 X 8
Texture Synthesis = ULTRA
Water Waves = HIGH
Shadow Maps = 2048
Terrain Shadows = 2048
Contact Shadows = ULTRA
Windshield Effects = ULTRA
Ambient Occlusion = ULTRA
Reflections = ULTRA
Light Shafts = ULTRA

Airport Life:
Airport, Ground & Work Density = 70
Boat, Road & Ships = 50

Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog
Thrustmaster Pedals.

by dropping your graphics settings.


I have more or less the same settings in the sim, but with RTX 3080 Asus TUF gaming and a 2560x1600 resolution, and I reach 60FPS only in certain conditions (flying the Macchi away from big cities).
In the A320 FBW the worth I’ve got is around 35, generaly around 40/45. Never 60.
Anyway I keep saying that 60 FPS are useless in a civil sim. 25 is a bit low for your system I think. Try to low down the traffic maybe.

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Stuck at 25fps is certainly underperformance for the gear that you run.

Are you using and allowing nvidia’s GeForce Experience to automatically optimize the game settings for you?
That feature sucks big time and is the most likely culprit.


You won’t get 60fps in a flight sim constantly and if I am guessing you must be new to the flight sim world .No civil flight simulator on the market can give you steady 60fps.You might have to lower your expectations a bit.
If you really want 60fps maybe start by dropping down your settings. Find what’s crippling your performance.Maybe try the high end preset with all traffic related stuff off and work your way up.


I have an i7 9700 and 2080Ti. I run full 4k. Mostly get 32 - 45 FPS, which is fine. Never seen 60 FPS, not ever. By the way, those beautiful ultra clouds just consume FPS…

You might want to tell that to the person who informed me that an MS requirement for the new X-Box is that 4k 60fps must be achievable if you want to develop for that platform. I guess if they don’t state what quality of graphics you will get at at that performance level, its doable.

On a PC, throwing hardware at the problem is one way, of course. :slight_smile:

If you expect 60fps on a flight sim this complex find another hobby,It will probably be watered down on XBOX to get 60fps for the gamers :wink:


I don’t understand people, I really don’t. I have a 8700K and 1080, both stock. I downloaded MSFS, installed it, ran it, set the dropdown to Ultra and forgot about it. I haven’t the slightest blessed clue what FPS I’m getting and I couldn’t possibly care less.

You have a superb system. Stop obsessing about FPS and just fly.


Hands up for me too. I used to be concerned about it, aiming for higher frames, and had managed to squeeze 170fps out of X-Plane. I was told that merely means you can push the visuals more, and at the time I thought it looked alright. I learned to accept that 30-40 was okay in most cases, as when you are flying, and looking straight ahead you don’t really notice.

It’s only when you go outside, and start moving the drone camera around that you notice.

My spec is not that different to yours, except I have an RTX 2080S.
MSFS with nearly all settings on Ultra, but the odd thing that I don’t care about turned down a notch.
I only get 25fps if I’m in a really heavily populated city. I just gave New York a quick low level pass, and had a range of 45 to 60fps outside of Manhattan, and between 38 and 45fps over it. That seemed about normal for me with the settings cranked up.

I suspect that something other than MSFS might be stealing your framerate. Do you have other sims working OK?

Do you have the XMP profile enabled for your RAM in the BIOS?

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For reference, I have a 9900k@4.7, a 2080ti, 32G ram @ 3200 and an ultrawide monitor @ 5120x1440.

I get low to mid 30’s on default ultra settings and low to mid 40’s on high-end. Will sometimes dip into the high 20’s over big cites…but smooth and stutter free regardless of framerate.

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You need more RAM. lol

So I should NOT use Geforce experience? I have used it WITH the sim and without.

NO. It kept giving me CTD’s

So maybe I should drop everything down one notch from ULTRA? Is that where you are?

I’m at 32 on the RAM. Isn’t that the max that MSFS uses?

chintz, My other games rock! I get great FPS in COD etc. I will look in the task manager and see what else is running.

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The key question is why do you need 60fps?

MFSF is not a shoot-em-up game and achieving 30-35fps should be perfectly adequate for good visual.