It should be very simple to implement. I just want to create a list of my favorite airports and flight paths so that I can choose them from a drop down menu.
I would also like to be able to fly in rain or snow without all the fog.
It should be very simple to implement. I just want to create a list of my favorite airports and flight paths so that I can choose them from a drop down menu.
I would also like to be able to fly in rain or snow without all the fog.
Should be able to favorite planes as well.
Fair point and a worthy contender for a VOTE if it has not already been done.
I would also find this useful.
All for putting this on the wishlist. You can do that by editing you title.
However. Can we PLEASE stop saying changes to this program “should be very simple”?
NOTHING is simple in this multiheaded (yes, I meant to say multiheaded, that is not a typo) beast. The number of modules and streams in this code means that the smallest detail can have repercussions.
Let’s have some respect for the poor folks that have Frankenstein’d this thing together.
It’s faster just to click the “Select Departure Airport” menu and type in the code. Once it centers the pin on your screen, click it, then click the zoom option to pull straight in. It’s faster and easier than clicking a menu and scrolling through what would end up being a list of more than a dozen airports in my case.
Except I can’t remember all of my favorite airports. I keep a small notebook on my desk to write them down but it would be a bit more convenient to just select them from a dropdown menu like X-Plane has. And for non-airport areas I was to depart from, I don’t want to have to copy and paste the coordinates each time.
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