Hi there, How do I delete all notifications in my account? Any help is appreciated. TIA.
Click on your icon in the upper right corner, click on the notification icon (little bell), on the screen that comes up there’s a “dismiss all” button at the bottom of the column on the left side of the screen.
That option is greyed out for me.
Can you post a screenshot of what you’re trying to delete?
Hi guys, Thanks for the replies and help… Here is my screenshot
There is a lot more than what is shown in the screenshot…
Strange things…
Mine wasn’t greyed out until I clicked to test it since I haven’t used it in a while. And as soon as I clicked it, mine turned gray also! I’ll keep looking around, but don’t see some other way to do it right off the bat.
Got the same result, now grayed out…
To the best of my knowledge we forum users, including myself (even with moderator priviledges) can’t delete these notifications permanently from our account. All we can do, if we have a lot of the little notification counters beside our avatars (top right) is clear those counters with the Dismiss all button.
I suspect that this is the way that the forum software, Discourse, has been set up.
I am, of course, happy to be told otherwise by those more knowledgeable in Discourse than me!
The button is greyed out because the notifications have been dismissed by clicking them to take you to the thread/post involved. It’s basically a “Mark All As Read” button - if they’ve all been read, there’s nothing to dismiss. At this point, I’m thinking you’d like to just remove them from the list, but that can’t be done without re-coding the forum. The closest thing to that is using the filter at the top of the list and telling it to show only unread notifications.
And that doesn’t work either. I clicked on “Show Unread” and it shows nothing in the message box. But every time I go back into my account all of my old notifications are still there. Just poor software design.
The “Dimiss All” button doesn’t delete notification. It just marks any unread notifications as read.
There’s no way to clear all past notifications in Discourse.
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