How do I use 2 monitors

An example for monitors !

I am using 3 monitors with the nvidia settings and it’s awesome.
You should be able to use 2 monitors but you will have the break down the middle

For the IA :!

On your keyboard press and hold right ALT key (pay attention, so the one the right) - while at the same time hovering your mouse over a display gauge or whatever element that you want to pop-out.
As you hover your mouse cursor above it with right ALT key held down, the cursor will transform into a small circle with the plus sign - that means the element can be separated from the main frustum (or popped out).

Not all elements are possible to separate like this, but there you go, this is kinda the popular way to do it for now.

From the main menu screen, when you go into Assistance Options you shall find the majority of quality of life, realism and other miscellaneous settings.
There you will find setting that controls the visibility of that HUD you mention, I think under User Experience sub-menu.
The option exists for the cockpit and for the external view - and for both you can set it the way you see it now, then the second option is to have a simplified version of it that covers very little screen real estate but still offering some crucial info, and the third option is to toggle that off completely.

For the start you need to go to General Options, and then under “Camera” sub-menu you shall find “HOME COCKPIT MODE” - you have to start by enabling that option, setting itto ON.
Subsequently you shall map the recently introduced cockpit camera controls (Cockpit Camera Slide Right/Left, etc
) to whatever keyboard keys you desire and see fit.
You’ll start creating your views on per airplane basis by loading an airplane you want somewhere in a cold and dark state.
Upon spawning, absolutely make sure you actually switch to the Home cockpit mode and not the classic cockpit camera position (I think it should be automatic, the default cockpit camera view will be replaced by a similar cockpit view but with considerably different characteristics
you will realize that fairly quickly).

You then use those “slide” cockpit camera controls that you mapped earlier to move and set the position of your home cockpit camera.
Another detail you should check is if there are separate controls for saving Home cockpit views, just go into Control Options, and under keyboard check ALL available controls (so not only Essential or only Mapped but ALL).
Just go trough them all to be sure what you can work with, cuz currently I’m at work and I’m trying to remember
so check everything out just in case, you’ll also learn more.

Settings for all those quirks and perks are under Assistance Options.
Anyway, what you want is to set every single thing to HARD - or better yet there’s the global control above - similar to how we have individual graphic settings like level of detail, shadows, etc. and also more global settings like high, ultra. - so within Assistance Options as global settings we have “All Assists”, “Middle Ground”, etc.

Anyone seeking the proper simulation should set that to “TRUE TO LIFE”.
Then maybe change a few individual settings related to stuff like do you want the checklist or ATC windows to be open when you spawn, etc
quality of life stuff
but everything else should remain at HARD.

I hope this leads you and anyone to whom it may concern towards the right direction in making the simbuilds you desire.

You’re welcome Doggo, cee ya in the virtual skies :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks, I got what I needed. I changed the realism to hard, popped out the screen on the left (flight director? HUD? whats it called?) Dragged it down to my laptop screen and choose the chase view. Took off, flew a fairly rounded version of a traffic pattern and even landed on the runway. Bounced a little but got it to a stop. I’m back in the air, :slight_smile: Thank you.


The ability to do this was not carried forward from FSX to MSFS (along with several other useful features). Asobo recently implemented what they call “multiple windows” and checked off this wish list item as being done. However they only did half the job. You can spawn a new window, and drag it to a second monitor, but in that window you can only pan the main camera. You can’t choose a different camera in the spawned window. So we still do not have the ability to put the instruments on a second monitor. There is a wish list item for Asobo to finish the job and allow camera selection. You can vote on it here:

I’m still hoping Asobo adds the ability to open new view windows separate from the main view point. I want to run the wing view on 1 monitor and my cockpit on another.