How Do I Zero Altimeter Before Take Off?

The Airbus 320 starts off on the ground, altimeter says 5,000 ft in the air. I change the barometric pressure in weather category by the bar at the top of the screen. Sometimes that goes to zero but usually not. The barometric pressure setting on the dashboard of the 320 does nothing. How do I get the correct altimeter to read 0 on the ground before I take off and fly 5,000 feet high or 5,000 ft low?

That reading is the height above sea level. It can meander due to drifting pressure maps. You set it correctly by entering the QNH reading or pressing the shortcut “B”. I think what you really want is a radar altitude reading. You get this on a few planes, but not all.

You can create your own in air manager. Or see if the G1000 mod has one built in it.

Zero on the ground? It‘s really rare that you are at an airport that is at an elevation of zero feet.

In case you‘re new to aviation/simming:
The altimeter shows the barometric altitude, nit the altitude above ground. There is one that does that but it‘s a radio altimeter but that‘s not the altitude tape on the right side of the primary flight display. If you, for example, start your flight at Denver it‘s totally correct if the altimeter shows about 5000 feet. Normal mechanical altimeters can not be dialed to 0 when you‘re at an elevation if 5000ft, the calibration machanics inside will break. I‘d suggest you read a bit about instruments in aviation as this is a really complex but interesting topic and you get most out if your sim if you know about it.

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Im only about 170 hours into the sim, so that puts me in a steep part of the learning curve. Most of my focus right now is on programing the flight plan on the equipment in the cockpit. I understand once the flight is planned properly the plane will follow different altitude set at checkpoints. That makes it cool to fly at night or in peasoup weather without smacking a mountain. The sim needs more training courses to cover these things.