My wife’s pov if that it is better for me to spend time with my simulator than wasting my money at the bar.
She even came up with a perfect idea for my home built cockpit location, when I explained what I wanted to do.
This was 8 years ago. I had a multi monitor setup on my desk, and wanted a more immersive experience. * years later and I am still loving my setup, with a overhead panel and pedestal (all made by hand)
So, I’d say my wife supports my hobby. No, it’s not a hobby, it’s a passion.
My family love it, probably because it keeps me occupied and out of the way. Had a great flight with one of my daughters this weekend, talking her through the systems, etc, however, it all ended badly when I got a bit too over-optimistic on landing resulting the plane having a sub-optimal outcome.
We had named the plane Bob, so she spent the rest of the day complaining that I had killed Bob and now means we fly with Bob 2.
My misses eventually insisted that I went and got my Licence IRL, seeing as I spent so much time on the simulator. The idea being that she could experience and enjoy my hobby as well!! Of cause I argued the point, cost, time etc, etc, but to no avail, she packed me off to flight school.
Oh well, my wife is completely fine with it either…
Normally, once the passenger briefing by cabin crew echoes through the PCs speakers, she happily joins in - pointing to the fictionary oxygen masks at the ceiling and the emergency exits. :’-)))
The only issue she really hates are the announcements I do, while driving car and being derived of Airbus procedures… “ready to disconnect”, “parking brake released”, and so on :-)))
The first comment of my beloved wife was something like “that looks totally artificial” …
Later on after a detailed discussion she admitted that she felt uncomfortable with the price for the sim and I was “allowed” to show her the details places she knew. I even heard the word “beautiful” out of her Majesty’s mouth…
Meanwhile she accepts my passion for the game and sometimes she even aks me which country or town I am flying over …
My son admires the graphics but would never play a sim like that (too boring) - he prefers games like “Rocket League”
Luckilly, for 30 years, i’ve had an AV-Freidnly wife. Although she’s never had any actual hours she spent a summer a few years ago on my p3d setup in a C152. She’s never been in the club 152 manufactured 400 years ago. She can fly and trim and knows an ILS from a STAR. She describes herself as a WOAW (Wife of aviation windbag). I was dropping down through the clouds in some mountains the other night and she came in and looked at the G3000 and said, ah, Paro approach when you’re not visual, is that allowed ?
My wife is super supportive, and fully understands what I’m doing. Not too surprising - we first met in a flight sim screenshot forum we were both hanging out in. Almost twenty years ago, when FS2002 had just been released.
So that happens!
No further details, don’t wanna dox myself too much…