For in game settings go to 7:06.
Honeywell yoke set to -40 on each axis.
For in game settings go to 7:06.
Honeywell yoke set to -40 on each axis.
I’d recommend not trying for 60 FPS
It’s just not required for flight sim.
Anything that sticks above 30 FPS is what you want.
Unless there’s some other use case I’m just not understanding and if so then… turn your settings down or upgrade hardware
Why would I decrease my settings instead of just running at 30-40 fps on ultra? The only thing you notice will be the sim not looking as good…
Well post a video of you in game on Ultra at 3440x1440 with FPS showing in the 152
In airliners that’s fine, but low down in an X-Cub with trees zooming by at 100kt and your head on a swivel, that’ll give you a headache really quick. I mean of course it’s subjective, I feel my eyes hurt with TrackIR at 40-50fps (but in any game for that matter, not just FS), most of my friends don’t care if it runs at 30fps. So I’m playing at medium to get somewhere in the 60 region so I can fly without feeling any pain