How many keyboard keys do you have memorized in MSFS 2020?

Hi there, Maybe a strange question, but just thought I’d ask…


The beauty of full cockpits via Air Manager!

No mouse or keyboards.


Lol. Yeah, maybe one? ALT-L for the flashlight.

Sometimes I accidentally start typing on the keyboard in flight and COMPLETELY doom my flight by throwing all sorts of switches into unknown states.

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Insert, arrow keys, prnt screen. I only need my kb for screenshots and to adjust seating position with arrow keys. For the rest i have panels (saitek) and joystick or yoke.

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B, D and Spacebar are probably my most used defaults. I have a few custom bindings too, for differential brakes (no pedals yet, on their way), mixture, prop, aileron trim, and rudder trim, as well as custom views using Alt+numberkey.

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  1. I fly in VR: so I exclusivly use Joystick, HOTS, pedals and the mouse. Even in 2D mode I don’t use the keyboard.

The correct answer would be - never enough!

B - set altimeter
D - Align compass
CTRL+TAB - VR mode

Nope that’s it. Everything else is done through my peripherals :slight_smile:

Return to Control Options, etc.

42 !

I use neither mouse nor keyboard for flying. Air Manager FTW.

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