How many people have FS2024 but still choose FS2020?

Longitiude reverese thrust is fake though. You can taxi with reverse thrusters deployed.

And yes, the Longitude is great despite no RT and the 737 is a super hot mess. 787 is good.

For daytime VFR I prefer MSFS2024. Ground is better and there are seasons.
For all other flights and especially for night flights MSFS2020, since night lighting in MSFS2024 is terrible and in VR it is worse than monitor.

I agree. MFS2020 had performance issues for me even on a 4070ti super and 7 7800x3d but MFS2024 is much better on performance.

Issue is still there with FG stutter tho. Very annoying.

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You can add seasons to fs2020 yourself

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Steam DB Stats

FS2020 started with 60K players, rolling to 10K daily players after the launch hype.

FS2024 started with 25K players, rolling to 4K daily players, slowly dropping to 3K.



  • me going back to FS2020 and wondering how I will get back the money I lost in that already dead game *

Today I will return in 2020ā€¦ I will be back in 2027 when all the aircraft I love to fly will work


another $20 to spendā€¦

Gone back to '20.


2020 is the flight sim of choice.
2024 is installed but Iā€™m not touching it with a hundred foot pole.
Perhaps some day in 2026 when it will be in a more proper state.


I really miss the opertunity to fly with shared cockpit. Thats the only reason why I stil use 2020 sometimes. The performance of 2024, with my 7800xt and loseless scaling is insane on 1440p

Simbrief has been in 2020 for ages lol. Even 2024 has it

The airplane lights at night in VR are terrible. I wind up turning my landing lights off as there is so much atmospheric glow that it gets blinding. Sometimes even the nav beacons reflecting off a prop can be quite bad.


Dumped 2024, dumped 2020 and went to the dark side. Keep an eye on 2024, hoping it gets better, but for me I just can not tolerate the awful Object LOD.


Back to 2020 for me, because I exclusively fly in VR and donā€™t want to deal with the issues. Disappointed that VR is worse for me in 2024 than in 2020, especially after I shelled out $$$ for 2024 prior to ā€œlaunchā€. Lesson learned.


I fly VR so Iā€™ll stick with 2020 and probably always will. Here we are 4 years later and the Marketplace is still encrypting aircraft so they cannot be edited, even if from 3rd party developers. The sad part is some of these developers only sell on the marketplace so we are stuck with broke aircraft with low ratings and no hope of seeing those ratings grow higher because they are encrypted. Which means less sales for the Marketplace because I do pay attention to ratings.
And the point isā€¦ you want to stream aircraft in 2024 and still keep them encrypted? Enjoy the decline of FS2024.

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Yeah they need to put more thought into how the marketplace works. E.g. allow players to submit free add-on extensions directly on the marketplace, or whatever. I understand the need to encrypt maybe because of piracy ? But then make sure you have a solution that retains all previous functionality, especially on a platform that heavily relies on add-ons for its success.

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marketplace today does not have a freeware section so dont assume it will in 2024.
until now freeware and community mods are in fs2020. not much going on in 2024, with luck we will get a local install option of aircraft in 2024 but not known.

My internet connection speed was not previously very good, but has just gone from 30mbps to 350mbps increase so might have something to do with this, so iā€™m not sure.

In the last few month on xbox game pass, msfs 2024 on any flights longer than 1 hour, all of my cockpit screens disappear completely and iā€™m left with a screenless cockpit in the 738 max. Just prior to this, the framerate goes alarmingly slow and the xbox is quite warm. Iā€™m not sure what to make of it, does anyone else suffer this? is it the series s graphics card trying to work beyond itā€™s power?.

Iā€™ve just opted to delete whatever hdd storage fs24 was taking up and re-install 164gb of fs2020 (which was slow but was working on cloud streaming minus my thrustmaster inputs). Now that Iā€™ve reinstalled it and it recogises the thrustmaster at ā€œpress any key to continueā€ after the asobo flash screen the app just closes and goes back to xbox home screen.

Canā€™t seem to win :sweat_smile:

I went back to 2020 a few weeks ago and Iā€™m happy out. Everything works perfectly and no issues.

2024 is 50/50 at best and is really only a GA /non complex aircraft sim. Anything complex causes too many issues.

I wonā€™t be going back to 2024 until I see a raft of positive reviews!

2020 is still the Captain :sunglasses: 2024 is the snotty nosed FO with gel covered hair :rofl:


Exactly. Case in point, I have an aircraft that the RPM, fuel flow and EGT are not at all realistic, and this can be verified by using the NATOPS, but the creator must not know this, and since it is encrypted no one can do a thing about it. Even an addon posted on would help. But nope, nothing to do but give it a bad rating. Talk about Asobo shooting themselves in the footā€¦

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