How many Sim Update Beta 1 versions will there be for MSFS 2024?

Hi there, How many Sim Update beta 1 versions will there be? Any info or help is greatly appreciated. TIA

My Personal Comment & Observation
Unknown at this time. The number probably will be related to the number & type of bugs & regressions that we report & what the developers feel needs to be fixed before the final SU build.


For now, is target for feb2025 allong side with WU Brazil


Oh where did you get this from? Have not seen any official statement regarding Feb. The last one I have seen was Q1. Hopefully we will get more info during the live stream this week.
No offence, would be nice if this is the case.

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WU1 is state for Feb, and need Marketplaces on msfs 2024 also have some reponse from ZenDesk says Marketplaces launch in February


The question is of many update we will need until fs 2024 will be at least not a bugged beta :stuck_out_tongue:


I keep dipping my toe in msfs2024 from ms2020 and find it is so unpredictable. Again, this morning it was a stuttering mess with lateset beta, no traffic and flying Asobo 737 max. Back to 2020 where I can now fly with all the bells and whistles without any stuttering.


How will 3rd party devs pay their rent during this prolonged ‘limbo’?


I finally decided to take a break because the sim is unpredictable in terms of performance and stability for me. One day fine the next strange behavior. We are now 3-4 months in to release and dealing with pre release issues, by summer we will probably have a decent build

Fired up Xplane and KA350 for some GA love