How to backup OneStore?

After three days of downloading, I note that the download files end up in OneStore folder. How to I back-up this folder up so that I don’t have to download it again and again!

You can probably make a copy to a thumb drive, but if the installer looks for a certain created or modified date associated with the files, it may still overwrite them.

When I try to copy a file from the OneStore folder I get the familiar “Your organization does not allow you to place this file here” to which I reply “What organization?” It was my blamed Pc bought and paid for. Did Microsoft some how take possession of it? Security Tab for the file I tried to copy says I have full control as Administrator. Would win10 pro help?

Just using an online search engine with the displayed message is giving lots of links you might want to read further:

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lol – CptLucky8 – that’s going to lead some down a dangerous path of no return !!!

A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing !!! might be a safer path to take …


BINGO – surely you don’t think YOU still have control of your PC anymore these days :frowning:

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TwentytwoCharlie: Re Bingo… Zap, yah got me. LOL. You know I was totally satisfied with X-Plane until 2020 came along. The only thing I like better is the scenery in 2020 but that keeps me coming back despite being treated badly. As far as Oses go, I still think Linux is hard to beat but the stuff I want to run, doesn’t run on Linux. Familiar story I’m sure.

That’s one important reason (at least to me) to have a completely different PC for gaming, that is not on the same network as my other family PCs.

I could care less who hacks into my Gaming Computer, or who can look at whats on it … if anyone does get in, its backed up every night with a full image backup , and its a quick 30 minute restore.

Paranoid – you bet I am !! :japanese_goblin: -= but I can sleep nights …

I contend that MOST users had no idea they were buying an APP when they bought MSFS through the MS Store. I know I didn’t, until I tried to look at a cfg file and was told I had no rights!

22C: Thanks for the tip about Acronis. I am going to buy a copy to back up my 2020 disk to local NAS. I agree I won’t live long enough to figure out M$'s frankenstein monster. Another 1.5 GB to download, then the download be done. Only 56 hours continuous this time. And this is the fastest of the three times I have had to download the program.

I don’t know of any major software that’s any different. The developer maintains ownership of the software, but sell you a license to use it, hence “End User LICENSE Agreement.”

Except that with any other major software on my computer, I have free access to the folders and can create backups if desired. This is not the case with MS Store Apps. Something most users are unaccustomed to.
Not making a complaint or questioning the license or distribution, just pointing out a difference.

So even though I have an image of the sdd that I installed 2020 to, it’s useless?

All the files look like they are there but Store wants to download everything AGAIN! Downloading in the best of times here is 4 days 24/7.

I’m beginning to think I made a mistake buying 2020.

So, you are saying if you have a working MSFS, and you do a Disk Image backup, and then a full image restore, somehow the MS store detects this, and requires a full re-install ?

That’s some BRUTAL "copy protection !!!

The mistake is not buying the $60 - $120 MSFS software, the mistake is buying the $5k PC you think you needed to run it on, and then deciding that MSFS is not for you !!!

22C: Yes, that is correct. I think the 2020 folders and files are encrypted with EFS, what ever that is. I Read that somewhere, not sure that’s correct.
Anyway a Acronis image of my MS2020 drive could not be restored. 2020 installer wiped the restored files and started the long process of downloading everything again all 106 GB

Did you restore back to the original SSD (ie same serial number)

Must be very smart – why would a restored Image be any different from the original ??

Maybe, (like copies not being able to copy Bank notes ), Acronis is designed not to make a perfect copy ?? Maybe you would need to do a Forensic sector by sector image backup.

I assume everything else in Windows was working, it was just not specifically MSFS.

OH well, I will take that as a Good thing … the less Piracy, the lower the product could cost … (in theory) – not that an Image backup is necessarily a piracy attempt … but it does open up some concerns about the validity of backups …

Gone are the days of a simple DOS Ghost backup !!!

My stupid new Gaming Laptop does not even support Legacy Bios Boot, so I cannot easily boot from a USB drive or a CD … let alone a USB Floppy drive.
(Thank you Acer !!! )

Yes same identical serial SSD newly formatted before restore… And yes, PC is a homebuilt with pretty high specs. Ran 2020 at 60 fps at 1080p for a while.

Looks like M$ has come up with a new DRM. Back to X-Plane for me until my Internet speed improves.

One BIG advantage of a Laptop, you can easily take it into work, and use the Work 1GB internet to update MSFS !!

So you use Acronis TIH for backup purposes, me too… I have restored my gaming disk 2 times so far and have never had to re-install MSFS as others have said. But… I opted to use TIH2016 and dump my TIH2021 from my gaming disk. 2021 is too slow and cloning has never been totally reliable.