Now after the last update it works as supposed, you just go to the place you mentioned, turn it off and just forget. Missions loading correctly without live weather and no more f***ing crashes by extreme burst 50 feet above the runway. And yes, the live weather is great accuracy, but who the hell is forcing the thousands of players for near a month after release in NOVEMBER when most part of the world struggles with the condition not proper for small General Aviation planes? Opposite to what couple of players are trying everyone force to believe this is just a game. It’s not the commercial pilot training simulator. I’ve been behind the yoke of a few and trust me it’s nothing compared, not to mention the real aircraft. You want the realism, you go with the X-Plane. And as a game this is not the player responsibility to make sure that the flight plan is even possible for the aircraft you flying and I’m sick of the stupid mission generator that spams the world map with thousands of missions not possible to complete due to the fact that it forces you to land on a 2-3 times to short runway for the plane you flying and even the build in new EFB can calculate takeoff and land distance, another thing is that there’s huge difference between the plane weights. This is the game and it’s a game developer responsibility to assure that average player would be able to compete every possible mission to assign. And this being a game and not a professional pilot training simulator implies that the average player is not a airline pilot with ATPL(A) and 10 thousand flight hours on commercial jet liners and even doesn’t have any knowledge of the aviation in the real world. And to be honest if the bugs are fixed this will be probably the best flight simulation game on the planet. Even the buggy ATC is great for that purpose and 100% better then in X-Plane 12. I live directly under the glide slope of the most used runway in the airport in my city that is the only from 4 RW with ILS in place. My home is on the final approach just couple kilometers from the threshold of the runway and the 737 or A320 flies exactly 105 metres above my head. From April to late September there are thousands of the GA small piston single engined airplanes over my head, and from end of September to beginning of April nearly none what so ever, when the weather is no longer suitable for the small GA aircraft, and only the commercial jets take off and lands. It’s just after 2PM CET and today the weather is just great, so on FlightRadar24 there are 7 GA planes in the neighbourhood, but yesterday when the weather sucked there was exactly 0 whole day, not counting the regular international connections, but those are mostly B737-800, sometimes Max8 and A320neo but average day in August there’s literally thousands of GA aircraft in the neighbourhood. On some days even though lovely conditions to fly, but ATC refuses the VFR takeoff clarence.
yes. i’d obvioulsy much prefer to use live weather, but unfortunately the weather/turbulence model is so spectacularly broken that it’s not an enjoyable option.
No, this actually is not spectacularly broken, it’s extremely accurate to the reality the weather is almost perfectly as outside the window and you can expect such turbulence in the real plane with those conditions especially if you flying small GA aircraft on low altitude and not commercial jet on FL380 with sophisticated autopilot, autothrothle, autotrim and autoland that is designed to withstand that kind of conditions. Talk to the real pilots of small GA aircraft, hardly anyone fly in that kind of conditions. It’s very unpleasant for once and more than that it is extremely dangerous. You really can die trying to land f. ex. Cesna 172 on those conditions and the range of the small GA planes is not allowing you to divert somewhere where you wouldn’t be burst just seconds from touchdown to a tree, a hangar or terminal building or ATC tower, especially in December that place can be hours of flight away. Personally I’d never try to take off in that weather in anything smaller then A320 or 737, I just don’t want to die trying to get back on the ground and in such extreme conditions even the ILS would not be any help at all, the plane is just to small, to slow and to light, and you just can’t predict what would happen bellow 100 ft RA when MDA is way above that
I’m on a mission that is IFR and there was no way to convince the sim to let me take off on the reciprocal RWY (20 kt tailwind). So I took the assigned RWY, which gave me the green highlight, then taxied to near the opposite end (I didn’t go all the way for fear of the sim thinking I entered the wrong RWY.) and took off into the wind.
ATC did not complain.
that’s absolute nonsense. i just flew into Fife airport, which in real life right now is 82050Z 24007KT CAVOK 04/03 Q0997. in Career Mode “live weather”, there was a 30-40 knot gale from the NW. not winds aloft, a gale at ground level.
I find it frustrating. We should be able to choose the weather and have a reward depending on the difficulty. It’s impossible to use the trick to get out of the wind. I’m just discovering the simulation and flying with a 20Kt crosswind is horrifying. I’m not even enjoying it. However, I’m going to keep playing, but that’s one of the only negative points of the game…
you would think a difficulty setting for career mode would allow all to enjoy at there own pace. New flyers could fly with assists on, and Vetrans could fly ultra real, and the difficulty rating would adjust up/down and impact the rewards. risk vs reward. I’m not saying nerf the pay outs for folks who choose to use assists, i’m saying reward players for harder challenges. personally i hate the way weather is impacting flying the 172 and caravan. it almost makes me not want to play.
I think I figured out the UI and the source of the career weather “truth” all in the same moment. Didn’t get a chance to test it strongly because I had to move a couch, but I’m streaming now (deets in profile) and will discuss live.
interesting post from a related orum:
i haven’t tested this yet.
Totally disagree. Again today, last night and yesterday during my days off when I got a chance to fly and forgot to turn off live weather. Today was a joke 24 knot cross wind, 22 knot headwind. Struggled to get airborne. My onsite weather resource that I have used for years, showed 8 knots from the south west.
All good opinions here. What stumps me is that even if the live weather is turned OFF like described in the initial thread post, the weather (i.e. clouds) clear out, but the turbulence is still more than I would want to deal with to have a pleasurable experience.
I don’t care if my single prop tin can flies sideways on autopilot, or if the runway shows when i dive out of the clouds 200 feet above ground… But the landings are impossible. X-Plane can be a pain during weather, but at least when it’s calm and clear, it’s just that.
Yea bad weather bonus is really nice, if you nail those landings…
Good luck everyone! Hopefully they will not just leave it as is.
I am new to the sim (2 months - approx 100 hours)
I do 2 things - disable live weather AND change the Turbulence assist down from realistic to low.
When and why I do this
While I am still flying early planes(eg cessna 172 and 208) and because I am using Xbox controller and find the rudder inputs difficult to use in a gradual controlled fashion with the controller
Another reason I do this is because the mission selection screen doesn’t indicate what winds are at the departure and arrival - if it did I could make a better decision before flying if my aircraft will be up to the winds
I checked mine, and it’s on low (turbulence); weather is off. Tested it out, same thing. It’s not smooth even on AP. The plane constantly dips and rises. If the sim rate is sped up, it seems like riding a rollercoaster
Anyway, this is annoying, but I don’t think it will be their first priority right now. We’ll see how long I’ll stay interested having to sit through hours of sim flights…
i’ve noticed that the wind vector in the CLEAR SKIES preset can vary from a steady 2 knot breeze to a very annoying 3-5 knot variable wind gusting up to 15 knots and constantly changing direction by a few degrees. it’s actually more annoying to fly in than a 35 knot crosswind in Live Weather.
Ok, this is brilliant! Can you tell me where you’re seeing these wind speeds? I gave up on EFB or whatever it’s called for the purposes of the weather. The weather presented in the mission briefing is horse doo doo as well. Are you saying you can see the weather during flight or on the ground or BOTH?!? This info would be worth gold, mate!
There are wind layers available in the maps, both in live and career modes. My post here explains how I think it’s intended to work.
It’s a quirky system and by no means comprehensive enough to make solid aeronautical decisions, but it’ll give you an idea of what the sim thinks it’s giving you and you can use it to avoid some of the worst of the weather.
That post will take me some time to wrap my head around, but thank you! I just want to have a fair chance in this game, since I know what I’m doing, but it’s breaking its own rules penalizing me for it.
I’ll (more than likely) post questions in the thread that you references shortly.
Thanks again!