How can I toggle and cycle between external fixed camera mods without pressing “end” then “insert”?
You could open the camera menu from that little flyout menu that appears when you hover over it at the top of the screen. It has buttons to automatically go to certain showcase camera angle.
yeah but I assigned next-previous fixed camera buttons so I just want to use them without clicking or pressing any other buttons to cycle between them. Then I want to go cockpit camera by pressing “end”
I tried too, but I gave up
Just wanted to assign a button to quick external view 2 and back to cockpit view, without any other buttons
Can’t you assign them under controls?
I have assigned already but nothing happens when I press them unless I hit “end” then “home” (then “end” again I guess, it is too complicated)
Same here
Nothing happens when I press the assigned button
Same here. The update either broke or changed the external views and the way they worked before.