How would you put the coordinates 44.34 N 89.77 w in the flight planner?

Hi there, How would you go about putting the coordinates in the flight planner? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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I’m a novice but you can type co-ordinate s in the world map where you type your selection. Hope this helps.

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Thanks I just tried that but it didn’t accept it. All I wanted to do was to fly over my friends house. That’s where the co-ordinates are for.

You’ll have to find out the acceptable format(s) for coords. Some require the hemisphere letters at the beginning like N44.34

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Ok thanks I’ll give that a try.

Go into Google maps, find friends house, change to terrain style in that map, then click on his house in the terrain, the coordinates will show to copy…somewhat like this…23.547897, 56.345333. They will always be that long. Plug those into your coordinates window while setting up your flight. And pick the conversion in the window below your input. The waypoint will show on the world.

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You way want to try this tutorial by Squirrel, might be exactly what you’re looking for.


Thank you guys so much for all your help!!

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