Since awhile back I started seeing Screen Door Effect with my HP Reverb G2. It has been getting worse lately (but can’t really say when exactly).
It’s not constant though. If I move my head, like watching the glareshield and turning my head to PFD, it’s there for like 1-2 seconds and then goes away if I keep my head still. It’s also visible whenever there is something moving close by outside (ground, clouds) and that is more or less always there on the object moving past.
Anyone else encountered this?
i7 9700k
RTX 2080
32GB RAM at 3600
HP Reverb G2
Steam version of MSFS
Using WMR and OpenXR (render scale at 70%)
Are you describing: black borders on either side of the view that appear then disappear as you turn your head? If this is what you’re describing it is a performance issue caused by any number of sources–RAM usage, server clogs, internet glitches, etc. “Screen door effect” describes the fuzzy grid-like appearance of the screen directly in view that makes it seem like you are looking through a screen door.
I have not experienced actual “screen door effect” on the Reverb G2 and my system is almost identical to yours.
No, not black borders on the sides. It’s actual SDE.
It’s there no matter what aircraft or high or low settings on graphics.
SDE is physical, I am not sure how it can change over time or be affected by software.
I have a 2080S and a G2 as well, and cant see that I have seen that at all. My biggest issue is multifocal glasses… time for some prescription lenses for the G2.
As mentioned above, SDE is physical unfortunately.
You should post your question on the official forum for HP Reverb because it is not a bug & issue with MSFS.
Well it’s not there in any other game nor in the cliffhouse - only in MSFS 2020, so I would say it is a MSFS question…
Then what you see is not SDE.