Hype Performance Group & Developer David Amenta - Airbus H135 Helicopter

I purchased MSFS from Steam and Installed it on my E Drive (external SSD) After installing it I noticed MSFS files on my

C Drive ( C:\users\name\AppData\Roaming\MicrosoftFlight Simulator.

I MSFS files have also appeared om my D Drive (storage partition of my C Drive)
D:\MSFS 2020 App.Data\Community.

And My E Drive ( external SSD Drive)
E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020\ Community

I installed the extracted Zip file folder in My Community Folder on my D Drive. As I said , it shows up in my Content Manager, but as NOT INSTALLED ???

Any suggestions ?

So you have two community folders? Strange. The community folder you want is under the Packages directory. So both D and E is not the right place. Is there a Packages directory in the C drive path?

Yes there is a Package Folder in my C Drive directory, but it does not have a Community Folder. It is mostly various Microsoft Windows folders.

No, I mean C:\users\name\AppData\Roaming\MicrosoftFlightSimulator\Packages??

You’re looking for (
\Packages\Officlal). There should then also be a (

I was flying it the other day, and there was this guy outside on the skid
 banging on the side of the helicopter yelling something about, “try the overhead switches now”



Yes , ,But No Community Folder

Is there an Official folder in Packages?

No ! Just the Microsoft Windows Files

Ok, then that is the wrong place also. I am not at my home computer right now so I can’t check where the correct directory is supposed to be. You can try searching the forum. I know that several people have written out how to find the Community folder. I just don’t know off the top of my head.

I have a Community Folder on MY E (external SSD Drive )

But it’s not in a Packages directory you said. And is there an Official directory there too?

From what you have said, it doesn’t sound like any of the paths you gave are the correct one.

Yes! it has a Community Folder and a Official folder on my E drive

You said E looked like E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020\Community?

E:\Microsoft FLight Simulator\ Community
MSFS shortcut

is there a folder called “fs_base” in the Official directory?

Yes ! Official\steam\fs-base

See that’s wrong. It should be Official\fs_base. no steam folder. You have a very unusual install

I also have MSFS from Steam and my folder structure is not this complicated

Any suggestions ?

How did you install MSFS? Did you do any kind of nonstandard install? Are you using links or something?