Why is the retail “boxed” version (which additionally includes some gadgets and 3 months of Spotify) cheaper than the one bought directly from the Microsoft Store?
I don’t understand this logic and am happy I didn’t buy it directly.
First theory - the Microsoft Store has a fixed margin (like 20%) and can’t lower it for it’s own products because of antitrust laws.
Second theory - very bad exchange rates from USD / EUR.
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It could be exchange fees. But the one on the top is a special edition rather than a digital version.
At the end it’s a digital edition. There is no DVD, just an activation key + gadgets.
Anyhow you get more for less when buying at a reseller instead of directly at the source, which makes no sense.
The whole pricing of this product seems unfair to uk residents too, USA deluxe costs $100, uk deluxe costs £100, but $100 is equal to £76 uk pounds, so they are over charging uk customers?
money money money!
what about turkey? we are paying in US dollars becasue we cannot get it in local currency
we are paying more!
I agree. Here in the UK we get multiple taxes. We have taxes on taxes on taxes. Even though this is a digital download it will more than likely still have import duty added, manufacture taxes, retail taxes, and purchase taxes.
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But this is in the same country. One is in a retail store, the other one online through the Microsoft Store set to the same region.