I have a Saitek yoke + quadrant.. but no rudder pedals.. how can i have a good experience on the ground?

Hey pls look at the title:) i mean… i have troubles steering on taxiways and keeping it straight… cant afford rudder pedals at the moment… how do you guys do it?

assign right and left toe brakes to a couple of keys. auto rudder turned on in assistance menu helps…

When you can BUY some rudder pedals, you will be glad you did…on the ground AND in the air. Until then do what others have suggested

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Twist the joystick, works with my X52

but isnt it too sensitive?

They stated they couldn’t afford pedals right now and seem to realize it would help. So is this really useful?

Insomniac: If you have a twist joystick, use that for your rudder/steering. You can adjust the sensitivity settings in the control menu. However it will not work on some of the small aircraft that have only caster type nose wheel. There’s only 1 or 2 default like this so you’ll need to assign left and right brake on the keyboard for these to turn the aircraft.

but i just have the saitek yoke

thank you for saying him what i said :smiley: i will buy some rudder pedals in the future…

can i use the thrustmaster Flight X hotas at the same time as my yoke? (i am asking cause i would buy a used one for 10 euros

“They stated they couldn’t afford pedals right now and seem to realize it would help. So is this really useful?”

I changed my post. Don’t get so hyper…

I sometimes turn on yoke assisst under the assistant menu and rudder assist.
When you do this the plane will steer with the joystick or a yoke.It is handy in the air for keeping your plane on course on long flights to.

use the programming software, switch modes and split the left/right axis into keystrokes that perform left/right rudder so you can steer on the ground

For those aircraft with no propeller control (the blue lever) I assigned the propeller control lever to the rudder. That works perfect.

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but hm, does it goe back to center normally? or do i have then a right right right left left left thing? (pushing buttons)

ill try that