I Need Help with Hiding Flight Stick In cameras.cfg

Hello… I’m trying to hide the flight stick in the JustFlight Hawk T1. I got two responses from Justflight in two emails.

You can use the below Lvars to hide the control stick:

‘L:FwdStick_hide’ and ‘L: AftStick_hide’ can be used.Â


You need the below Lvars

L:FwdStick_hide & L:AftStick_hideÂ

I’m not quite sure about the French formatting, but I think I need to enter this, but it is not working:(
NodesToHide =“L:FwdStick_hide”

Does the L: denote in house coded LVARS?

Anyone have any experience with this?


Try to leave it just with the “”

That’s the default for NodesToHide in the cameras.cfg, but that doesn’t do anything.

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