I only have one wish this Christmas

Please…please fix the blurry ground textures from high altitude. Seems like an easy fix. I imagine it is just a matter of adjusting LOD vs altitude. At least give us an option of some sort in the graphics menu. This is my only wish this Christmas. I have been a good boy this year. If you grant this wish, I will be in your debt. Please surprise me.

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Would be nice to have this feature on the GUI. In the meantime you could edit your config file and change the LOD setting to 4.0000000, this will give you sharper terrain from altitude. If you would like further instructions, I’ll be glad to help :wink:

Thanks but this makes no difference for me. Ground textures still very pixelated as I go higher.

I am all for your wish.
I would like to note a couple of minor details though…
If Asobo simply increased the LOD I think we would have a whole lot of users screaming about the 10fps “since the last update” even when flying over Patagonia.
If it was an “easy fix”, then, the fact that folks have been asking for it for months, I am pretty sure they would have fixed it.

I still cannot believe that we have people firing up this sim, looking at what is on the screen and still suggesting that “it should be easy”. I am no expert, but have been programming small projects since the TRS-80. I am in awe of the amount of code involved with this program. The porting and interconnectivity, the scaling and legacy compatibility, even the number of different programming languages communicating. It is “easy” to understand why they can’t add a minor feature without three other threads being affected.
I do like the idea of making more of the ‘hidden’ adjustments being exposed to the UI so we don’t have to tweak files hidden away in the morass of folders.

Hope Santa is reading your post though.


No, I am not a programmer or software developer…but, I have some common sense.

There seems to be three levels of texture quality, a low, medium and high texture.

At ground level you have the high quality. When you’re a certain altitude above, the medium quality kicks in. And then, even higher, the low quality kicks in. Try going on Drone Cam, look straight down, and then go up. You’ll see exactly what I mean.

So maybe it is as easy as changing the value in which the medium texture kicks in? So instead of, say, 5000 feet…maybe it should be 15000 feet. It seems like a simple change to make.

You have to consider the range of vision and the number of tiles being drawn. As altitude increases, the number of tiles increase exponentially. At a certain point you have to reduce the number of pixels or you overwhelm the draw capability. It is a frame rate vs resolution trade off. That’s why I like the ideal of having greater control over the settings so each user can tune to the system they are running. If you just arbitrarily increase the LOD factor for everyone, some peoples system will grind to a crawl just so you can see a bit more detail. Not acceptable.
Go into your USERCFG file in the same folder as your Community folder lives and you can tweak it yourself.

NOTHING is simple when everyone is using a different system.

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I agree 100%. Give us the option.

Adjusting the LOD in the config file makes no change for me regarding this issue.

LOD 2.0000000

LOD 4.0000000

LOD 2.0000000

LOD 4.0000000

LOD 2.0000000

LOD 4.0000000

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