I thought world updates will be for whole Europe but are we going to get it for every country?

The announcement for the UK world update is indeed very good sign. However I was thinking we are going to get an update for whole Europe but instead was only UK announced. it seems they are making updates on country basis? Or maybe group of countries together ? I am thinking they may push the world updates for Europe per region , for example west Europe , south europe, nordic , east Europe and Russia . What do you guys think ?

Anyway I can’t wait for World Update Germany :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It’s going to be on a when they have it basis I guess. Germany already has quite a lot of good data.


They said in the Q&A that they got great new data from Bing for England, Scotland and Wales (and they try to get it for Northern Ireland and Ireland in time too).

So it depends also on what data they get :slight_smile:


In fact the last two world updates also were country related…

Why should they change it??

With about 180 countries we will have many years of updates :rofl::rofl:


There is room for a Brexit joke in here somewhere.


The next is confirmed to be UK though, so it will change.

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