I went to 274 500ft in FS2020 and it seems to be the limit =)

I made this post because i thought it was impossible to go over 40 000ft in FS2020 wich seems to be the physical barrier. ( i’m not talking about real life for that… Space X Nasa Jaxa Esa haha )

Is it normal that i can go over 100 000ft ? I was flying at very low altitude but really fast : speed : 2 600mph and i decided to go up as fast as i can.

When you are flying over 40 000 some rotation are coming… then at 200 000ft it’s just amazing.

I recorded videos if you want.

My question : Is it a bug ? Normal ?

Thanks =)

I would say IRL it would be pretty unusual since officially space starts at around 240000 to 300000 (depends on who you ask). In my mind I can imagine getting an F-18 up somewhere 60000 to 80000 on afterburner for a short time, but that’s not flying, that’s just thrust. Don’t know the numbers there but certainly someone has tried it :slight_smile:

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Hi Archer374 thank you for your answer !

I wasn’t talking about F18 possibilities in real life just wondering if it’s normal to go over 40 000ft in FS2020 ? Did you try to go over ? As you said : At such altitudes yes it’s all about Thrust =)

I think it’s a bug. As far as I know, the highest altitude (depending on weather conditions) a jet can fly is 72000 feet (22km), as far as you can still call that “flying”. You are welcome to book this stratosphere flight. Edge of Space Stratospheric Jet Flight in Russia | MiGFlug.com

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Hi Alex

So it’s a really cool bug cause you can see earth curvature in FS2020 i thought it was impossible yet haha

Yep I know maybe one day xD


You can certainly fly at 45,000feet in the sim - which is a common cruising altitude for the Longitude AFAIK. Curvature is visible at that altitude.


Thanks =)

The real subject of my topic is to know if it’s a bug from FS2020 … cause i never succed to get higher than 45 000ft in this Sim ( for fun )

Ludicrous. Everyone knows the Earth is flat. :wink:


Oh really ? You are telling me i was wrong :scream::rofl::rofl::rofl:

How can the earth be flat when it is hollow? :wink: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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In FS2020 probably almost anything is possible with the right flight model.

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just because it’s flat, doesn’t mean it’s thin :joy:

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It’s an amazing view from 200 000ft in FS 2020 you can see all atmosphere s strats when you put sunset or sunrise :slight_smile:

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Guess I’ll use slew to get up there later :slight_smile:

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Ho “high” you can go will depend on the capabilities of the plane, I think most planes do have a service ceilings as well as engine ceilings, and max speeds which are modelled. Off the top of my head these are the types of planes ordered as to altitutude capability, from lowest to highest

  1. Helicopters (they really need dense air)
  2. Pistons (Normally aspirated pistons struggle to feed oxygen as the air things, Supercharging helps to some extent, but not much)
  3. Turbo Props - able to go higher than pistons but not as high as other jets, because the props start to have issues after a certain density is reached.
  4. Hi Bypass turbo fans Fans are able to push more air than a prop (due to number of blades) but still require a certain density
  5. Low Bypass turbo fans (can rely on increased jet thrust at higher altitudes)
  6. Turbo jet entire propultion is from exhaust jet, so is less demanding on density
  7. Ramjet ditches the rotating compresser which starts to have issues with increasing height
  8. Rocket… pure thrust, (that works in space, as long as oxygen is provided)

The Flight Sim does modeel the ceiling quite well, whilst you coudl use slew mode to take any plane up and beyond its operational ceiling, it will not be stable, let alone fly :slight_smile: I dont think you can naturally take the plane far beyond its expected, and quite likely the plane will start to fall.

Not sure if Rocket Engined planes are actually available in MSFS (though it definately has the option in aircraft.cfg)

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Hi :slight_smile: haha as i said i know those things :slight_smile: I’m just surprised to go over 250 000 ft ( last test ) cause i thought the Sim would stop everything over 45 000 ft :slight_smile:

You don’t need slew mod if you want to try =) The f18 mod : Maximal speed at very low altitude and go up there when you are faster than buzz :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s a calzone pancake.


I dont know what the technical limit is, but its definatley not 45,000ft (Not sure where you got that figure) Even quite early on the You Tuber Squirrel was takign planes up far higher using slew mode (including the 747). not sure what the absolute limit is, but apparently its modeled well

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"Thank you Sensei!

I don’t use the Slew mod. I thought the limit was 45,000 because I had never managed to go beyond that! It’s done now even if it’s totally surreal it gives beautiful images :slight_smile:"

Merci Sensei !

Je n’utilise pas le Slew mod. Je pensais que la limite était de 45 000 car je n’avais jamais réussi à aller au au-delà ! C’est chose faite maintenant même si c’est totalement surréaliste ça donne de belles images :slight_smile:

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