I won't be fooled again

I am not in any rush to pre-order FS2024. I will be monitoring the launch and reception of this product very closely before I make any purchase decisions. I think many others also share the same sentiments and concerns.


fooled? as in…?


Not really, I mean hey, you do you, but I see majority of people excited to this new sim and many already pre ordering. If Asobo took the base sim of 2020 and worked off of that, I don’t see this sim having many issues at all during launch especially if many of the improvements they have done in 2020 was developed in tangent with 2024 such as the memory allocations rewrite they did and many other improvement they have done. Asobo has also learned their lesson on deploying updates that come out broken by now doing 2 sim updates per year and delaying when necessary when it is not up to par.


My Personal Comment & Observation

Hi @Universist7718,

I think that is a very sensible position to take if you have concerns about how the new version will perform on your hardware, whether any of the new features or functionality will be of any benefit to the way you fly, or if MSFS 2020 did not meet your expectations.


Good for you, and now?


I’m going to give it at least one year. The MS 2020 fiasco on release was a bit much. Too many crashes and waiting months for a “fix” only to find something else had broken.

But…it’s been smooth sailing for me over the last year or so. No complaints from me.


I was on the big hype train for msfs 2020, even got a whole new pc. But this time, i don’t see the big, huge updates. Sure, graphics are “better” but really, 2020 is still amazing, and i don’t know how my 4 year old pc will handle it. I know i can only run 2020 at mid-high, so 2024 will be mid maybe if i am lucky with decent fps? And i won’t get all the eye candy with that setting. The missions sound very good, but you have to pass a bunch of “exams” before you can unlock to do them? That doesn’t sound like fun, and will they be as buggy as the training ones were in 2020? I lost interest when i would get dinged or fail just because of the weird scoring. I love all the planes, but my god, there’s too many, lol. It’s hard enough to learn one well enough to “fly” as a competent pilot… how can i choose with so many options and when i barely have time to play video games for an hour or so at a time? I might wait until faster hardware comes out. The “same specs as 2020” doesn’t seem to be true. If it took years to get hardware to run 2020 at max, i doubt ideal specs will allow 2024 to run maxed out. Yeah, i know you dont need to run 2024 at max out setting to enjoy it, but i want it to be MAXED out lol.


Brilliant post, sure this helps the millions looking forward to 2024 (including me). I’m really hyped, will there be bugs and issues, yes I’m sure, will I buy the Premium Deluxe version day one, no. I’ll be signing up to Gamepass initially, and when I hit a bug I’ll report it to Zendesk, we all need to work together to move 2024 forward, bring it on.


I really think it is worth to trust Asobo and Microsoft.
2024 release will be much less problematic i think than 2020 was.
They are talented Devs and im sure they learn a lot on their previous mistakes.
For me biggest selling point of this release is wonderful Career mode (ive read few in depth articles about it from people who already played few hours). Im going for Aviator’s Ed. as soon as it show up on Steam (i think it was already mentioned here by Devs that Steam preorder will be on from 26 september).

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Im looking forward to it, I just hope it runs and looks good on series x, the recent xbox graphical issues on 2020 has really put me off msfs2020 altogether.
They really screwed up with the recent SU update on xbox at least, don’t want to see a repeat of that in 2024.


And so it begins.


Neither will I, I won’t pre order anything, also because these versions will be the same after the release as well, so I won’t be missing out on anything

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This will be the first game I preorder in my life for simple reasons:
1- I played MSFS for hundreds of hours and enjoyed every minutes of it
2- This is basically an improved MSFS experience with many additions
3- The devs and the whole team behind MSFS are amazing and they deserve the tap in the back, plus pre-ordering can help on that front for forecasting reports and getting full support of Microsoft that this product will succeed. That’s a plus for everyone because the more money they make, more time and resources will be involved in improving our beloved flight simulator.
4- Asobo deserve it in my humble opinion.


Are you me? Fortunately I read your post before I wrote mine equal word-by-word.

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“Is that you John Wayne… Is this me”. :wink: RIP: Lee Ermy.

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well, I don’t care and I pre-ordered.


Well its day 1 for me, due to having game pass :stuck_out_tongue:

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well, i don’t feel like i’ve been fooled with 2020. the bugs annoy me (a lot) but, all around, the product is awesome, and looking at the big picture, it has delivered. for me.

Yes, i was hyped for 2024 as everyone else, but now i am a bit less so
allow me to explain

by the videos that have surfaced so far, it’s now pretty clear that they went all-in on this career mode thing. That’s totally fine. but i myself have no interest in that. managing a business? points for taking a photo of a giraffe? it’s really not my thing… at all.
i will use 2024 in the same way that i use 2020 today, because that’s what i like to do.
And 90% of what 2024 is about, is the career mode. Now there is no denying that. At least for anyone that’s willing to just observe (some of us saw this coming since the first trailer came out, and we were met with a lot of hostility in these pages for saying so)

By what i’ve seen so far, most of the things i’ve been hoping for will not be there. Things like atc, clouds, autogen buildings, scenery popping, among many others. It’s looking like all of those will be the same as 2020. It will come with a TON of new stuff. sure! But, like i said, all or most of it, i have no interest in. So yeah…bummer.

There is still a silver bullet though (for me). Performance. One of the things announced for 2024 is better multithreading. If it delivers on just that, then i will surely be moving on. That alone, is enough.


First one i’m passing on in 35 years of simming. Waiting quite a while if at all.