i5-13600K w/ GTX 1660?


Upgrading existing i7-3770 w/GTX 1660. According to the PC Benchmark Simulator, I’m under the average score, but when I add in a more recent CPU from the last 5 years the score goes well into the first quarter of the green chart, so the CPU is obviously the bottleneck here.

I’m going to upgrade my PC with probably a, i5-13600k DDR5, Z690 or Z790 board, but keep my 1660 GPU for the time being until I can get my hands on a decent one towards the end of the year. Question is, is this going to have any negative impact to my system for MSFS? I’m already running full blast on CPU and GPU as it is, but will the GPU suffer even more stress running a much higher CPU?


If your gpu runs at 100% now you won’t see much of an increase in fps except maybe for cpu heavy aircraft but you will be able to raise LOD and traffic as high as you like and run apps in the background etc. If your gpu doesn’t run at 100% now then your fps could improve quite dramatically.

Ok thanks. Just pulled the trigger on an msi z790 edge board with ddr5 32gb vengeance, not got the cpu yet but most likely the i5-13700k. When further funds allow i’ll look at a used 3060/70 card for it.

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Guess it is a typo.
i5-13600K or i7-13700K?

i5-13600k is what I meant

What performance and FPS did you get after upgrading your CPU, MB, and RAM while keeping the 1660? And at what resolution?