[IFA] Flight Of The Cannibal Queen, Part 1 (Multiplayer Tour)

After the Flight Of Passage (which was quite epic and took a while to complete), here comes another tour event based on a real story. This time we’re going to follow the aerial footsteps of Stephen Coonts who flew his Boeing Stearman literally all over the USA in 1991. And he wrote a book about it: The Cannibal Queen. I’m streaming the legs on Twitch and there’s a YT playlist which shows the tour progress.

> Here are the Cannibal Queen tour description and flight plans.

> Stream on Twitch

> Join on Discord

I encourage anyone to join in. Doesn’t matter whether you only come along for some short legs or the entire tour. I’ll be flying a Stearman, but you’re welcome to use any single piston engine aircraft you like.

Unless you have the same Stearman addon installed you’ll probably see me as a generic plane like a Cessna 172.

I’ll try to fly every day, if the real world allows. :slight_smile:

I’ll set my MSFS to “Live Players” and “Live Traffic” and Multiplayer Server to “West Europe”.

My nickname on MSFS Multiplayer is StudentWolke4.

If you can’t make it on take off time we’ll find a way to pick you up at an airfield along the way, if you want to.

Past videos can be found in this playlist:
> Cannibal Queen on YT


First leg done from KBDU to KCOZ, had great company from RedBaron who was following along in formation for a while.

If you want to fly along as well, see the schedule - I’ll try my best to stick to it, promise.

Next take off will be from Colby Airport (KCOZ).

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I’ve been eyeballing the Super Stearman that came out. I may join you on a leg or two, real world permitting.

Will be following along!

How is the DC Stearman?

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Just subscribed…haven’t flown the Stearman in a while but often do as part of my virtual flying club’s airshow. Good luck… I might join and stream with you in the future but trying to get my complex endorsement irl and family might hinder it. Good luck either way

Feel free to follow back:

Twitch Twitch
YouTube http://www.youtube.com/ericflight
Kick http://www.kick.com/ericflight
(I stream to all 3 at the same time…looking for more…lol)

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I’ve never flown a real Stearman so I can’t tell you whether the physics are accurate. Textures and 3D model are pretty good, considering it only costs around 13 EUR/USD. There’s some kind of Super Stearman variant/blend included which I am using in the streams. RedBaron told me there’s a free realism mod out there which enhances the flight model. I’ll try that and give some feedback here.

This is the realism mod which redbaron was talking about: https://de.flightsim.to/file/42726/dc-designs-stearman-flight-model-realism-mod

and i can tell you that it’s awesome, because the Stearman is much less nervous on any of the axis and much more manageable on the ground. so two thumbs up.

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I picked up the DC Stearman this morning, had time for a quick circuit at Wycombe(EGTB). Funny little plane! Took out the slower of the two variants, felt like a Tiger Moth with a shot of caffeine.

Gonna fly it some more later today and then possibly check out the improvement mod.

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made it as far as abilene (k78) today, again being accompanied by redbaron, today i flew the regular stearman (220hp continental) with the realism mod, and i guess i’ll stick with it. it’s awesome.

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sorry, won’t be able to make it tonight (dec 29th). I’ll keep you updated about the next leg

I recreated the Flight of the Cannibal Queen a few years ago in FSX. It was really fun in parallel with reading the book. I hadn’t thought of it until this thread, but maybe I will repeat it in MSFS 2024 with the enhanced scenery.

will i be able to join with msfs2024?

hi there acedriver, welcome to the forums.

as far as i’ve read it is not possible unfortunately, at least not using the microsoft multiplayer. it seems 2020 and 2024 have their own environments. maybe someone else is reading this thread and has an idea about this?

i am not yet willing to buy 2024 and be a beta tester for microsoft. they should get their act together and iron out the kinks, then i might consider giving them money. looking at how long it took 2020 to become a production ready software this might take a couple more months.

tonight dec 30th I’ll be streaming again, starting at around 8 pm zulu as advertised. last show of 2024 :slight_smile:

we’ll take off from abilene (k78).

Another great leg yesterday, got company from a UK fellow flying along in a C152. Weather, especially visibility, became so bad that we had to end the leg early.
Happy New Year’s eve everyone. See you in 2025. :slight_smile: :wave:

hey there, tonight takeoff will be from Coffey County (KUKL) in case anybody wants to fly along. around 8pm zulu, as always.

In the meantime we’ve done another couple of legs, you can see the current progress in the YT playlist below.

Tonight we’re flying again, this time we’re starting at Monroe Municipal (KLMU). You’re very welcome to join in with basically any aircraft, but it might make sense to choose something small and piston-ish, like a C152, a Piper Cub or a STEARMAN :slight_smile:

Please make sure to join in Discord to get the latest info:

See you later, also on Twitch!

Not sure if there was something I did wrong or if it was just fate that people (who said they’d join) didn’t show up. Just to make sure: If there was any technical issue, please let me know. One thing I can say for sure is that pilots flying in FS2024 cant join those on multiplayer who use FS2020 and vice versa; I’m using 2020, so that might be an issue. Anything else, e.g. if you didn’t know what to do, let me know. :wave:

Today’s leg was pretty epic with freaky weather, clouds and beautiful rainbows. :rainbow:

I’m in 2024 I didn’t realize you were in 202 apologies

no worries - good to know what the problem was. thanks!

i have closed the event only temporarily. trying to transition to fs2024, I’ll get the show running again asap

I hope tonight I’ll be able to fly again, at 8pm zulu. This time I’ll be using FS2024, the Stearman Addon from DC Designs seems to work flawlessly, so whoever’s got 24 is very welcome to join.
Tonight’s gonna start from Picayune KMJD.