[IFA] Flight Of The Cannibal Queen, Part 1

Any future flights will be in FS24, since I didn’t so far have severe trouble in free flight and there are currently more people interested in 24 than in 20.

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unfortunately I’ll have to revise this statement. i did have struggles, major ones, especially performace issues at more complex sceneries. I’ll stick to fs2020 for now, so if anybody want’s to fly along, please make sure to use 20. maybe 24 works better for the next tour some time in spring. cannibal queen will still take a couple of weeks to finish.

Where does the flight start from today (18 Jan 2025)? Been watching the videos but I couldn’t pick it out.

Hi there CaliFlier, sorry for the late answer, had a couple of evenings where I couldn’t fly. So it’s been a bit quiet the last few days. Pace will pick up again soon. I’m currently working on new tours, for variety, which I will fly in turns. I’m probably gonna start a new thread for this.

I’ll announce the next takeoff here as well.

For anyone who’s been wondering why I removed the event from the calendar: Unfortunately the calendar isnt very flexible. And due to happenings in real life I’m not able to precisely predict the evenings where I’m able to fly and which tour we’re gonna fly. So it doesn’t make sense to put a generic event in the calendar, this might raise expectations I can’t satisfy.

We’re going to continue to fly this tour here, the Cannibal Queen, alongside [IFA] Lord Of The Wings Over New Zealand

So I would kindly ask you people to join the discord server and read announcements there and get notified when a leg of a tour starts.
Please sign up here for the IFA Discord server: IceFireAir
This is our main hub of communications. Thanks for your understanding!

February 4, 2025 8:00 PM

I’m adding a more realistic schedule for now, so we’ll do the Cannibal Queen once in a week, on Tuesdays. Next event will be Feb 4th. I’ll announce the takeoff here and on Discord. (IceFireAir)

hi there, tonights leg will start from Henderson KACZ in FS2020

tonights leg

time: 8 pm zulu as usual
takeoff: Kinston (KISO)
sim: fs2020
aircraft: single engine piston or turboprop

please join on discord IceFireAir in the voice channel Tours or listen in on twitch Twitch once the leg starts.