ILS autotuning

When i select a runway in approaches in the Garmin i’d like to have the frequency added, at least as the backup frequency. Googling frequencies on final is an immersion killer. I am oldschool, i don’t use an i-pad or a smart phone to do such things. It worked in FSX so it can here, too. Airport elevations are also very important and not present either on the pre-flight map nor in the Garmin/FMGS. “lil” navmap could be acting as an i-pad with several functions such as frequency finder (COM/NAVAIDS/ILS) or weather information by putting in an ICAO code.

Do a briefing before the flight and either remember such things or write them on your kneepad,

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Guess MICROBO likes that answer, less work for them and more for me. It’s mainly for situations where you have to deviate from your original plans for an emergency landing elsewhere or change of plans for what reason ever.

To be fair it’s a simulator which simulates the job of a pilot. Pilots note these informations as it’s part of their job. They used to carry heavy document folders to have all that information at hand. Nowadays there are tablet pcs where they can look it up.
Having all the frequencies (including for the ALTN) is usually part of the flight planning from what I know. Maybe it helps your immersion if you google these things beforehand and not during final.

Edit: actually, on the A320n it autofills the ILS frequency as soon as you get cleared for the according approach.


Depends which Garmin you talking about. You can get the info mentioned in both the G1000 and G3000. I know the GX touch ones are limited with info though.

G1000 example (and pressing ENT will load the freq too as can be seen)

Ok, this is obviously something only a real world pilot can answer. Does every Garmin add the frequency automatically after selecting an ILS approach or does it only create a GPS course to the active? Which btw seems to be made for a 747 or something and not for GA aircraft at 1000 feet AGL.
If it doesn’t do that in real life i don’t want it, if the Garmin does it in real life i want it, pretty simple.

When you have the approach activated in the default MSFS G1000 it will automatically tune Nav 1 to the ILS frequency when passing the transition fix, then automatically set the CDI to Nav 1 when passing the IAF.


So much more fun to fly VFR and not to be spoiled by automation and then complaining that the radio is NOT working. Hopefully this was a complain from a non professional pilot. Beginner314 I like your answer