Good evening forum,
Just finished a few flights with the last of my recent add-ons adjusted / integrated and was wondering what combinations do you use to add to the immersion of your flight?
I’m really enjoying the following.
Buttkicker Gamer2 (With Sim Shaker & Si Shaker Sound Module for Aviators) which provides vibrations / haptics based on events rather than just sound output
Rex Weather Force with the latest update has really smoothed things out
Pilot2ATC with Amazon Polly Voices set on random. Nice to have voice activated / feedback style ATC from start to finish for flights not on VATSIM. Proper altitude assignments, callouts, SID/STARs. Among a bunch of other things.
Also have it set to pull weather from REX so it is in sync.
Rex Accuseasons This is a nice new addition. I was using Bijans which is good also but wanted to give this a try and there are some benefits. I am enjoying it so far.
AIG Traffic Manager / Controller really adds to the experience being able to line up and wait behind taxing aircraft with proper models and liveries. Pilot2ATC warning of possible wake turbulance after a takeoff etc…
SeafrontSims Enahnced AI adding lights, wakes, etc… to water traffic combined with Global Shipping for more / realistic traffic
Those are the main ones for me, then of course there’s the smaller stuff.
- Rex Global Airport Textures
- LVFR North American AREX (Ground Vehicles)
- Airports
- Birds
- Illuminators night lighting
What are you running that I may not have seen / heard of that can add to the experience?