Immersive Flight Combos

Good evening forum,

Just finished a few flights with the last of my recent add-ons adjusted / integrated and was wondering what combinations do you use to add to the immersion of your flight?

I’m really enjoying the following.

  • Buttkicker Gamer2 (With Sim Shaker & Si Shaker Sound Module for Aviators) which provides vibrations / haptics based on events rather than just sound output

  • Rex Weather Force with the latest update has really smoothed things out

  • Pilot2ATC with Amazon Polly Voices set on random. Nice to have voice activated / feedback style ATC from start to finish for flights not on VATSIM. Proper altitude assignments, callouts, SID/STARs. Among a bunch of other things.

Also have it set to pull weather from REX so it is in sync.

  • Rex Accuseasons This is a nice new addition. I was using Bijans which is good also but wanted to give this a try and there are some benefits. I am enjoying it so far.

  • AIG Traffic Manager / Controller really adds to the experience being able to line up and wait behind taxing aircraft with proper models and liveries. Pilot2ATC warning of possible wake turbulance after a takeoff etc…

  • SeafrontSims Enahnced AI adding lights, wakes, etc… to water traffic combined with Global Shipping for more / realistic traffic

Those are the main ones for me, then of course there’s the smaller stuff.

  • Rex Global Airport Textures
  • LVFR North American AREX (Ground Vehicles)
  • Airports
  • Birds
  • Illuminators night lighting

What are you running that I may not have seen / heard of that can add to the experience?

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If you like Italy you should have a look here

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