I went into the settings are removed the controller stick bindings to remove possible conflict. Things are better now, but I don’t know what did it, maybe that was it.
I needed to add a bit of a deadzone and a curve to my collective axis, as even leaving the lever in on place, the helicopter would occasionally climb or fall unexpectedly.
This is still happening on the Xbox, every time. Using both HOTAS and /or Xbox controller.
Any solutions?
Nope it hasn’t changed on my PC, despite revising again and again the key bindings, trying to switch modern to legacy to modern flight model,…I gave up for now.
Don’t forget to vote the related bug thread. For now bug has been logged but not reproduced
EXACT same thing on mine. I can do the same hovering with no issues in free fight and any other time.
That is EXACTLY what mine does. And I am pretty good with the helicopters and have about 200 hours on the previous MSFS. It is DEFINITELY a bug in the game. Also, on commercial airliner training elevator trim goes nuts.
Helicopters are really difficult, even more so without the assists that are disabled during training.
For the cyclic, try setting the joystick sensitivity to zero and when you are trying to hover, you will have to make many small movements per second.
Try to make several very short movements per second, trying to keep the helicopter in the hover position. I managed it this way. With a few hours of training, you will definitely be able to do it. It is a little difficult to synchronize with the pedal and collective movements together, but once you get the hang of it, it is really cool.
I would encourage you to watch the video at the beginning of the thread, small and gentles inputs still give the same results for the user that had reported this.
There is also this bug report which has been reproduced by Asobo.
Happy for you it works fine and you can enjoy it, but the various feedbacks and video from different users + bug logged by Asobo seem to point out a bug and not a user error.
Yes, I agree that there are still some adjustments to be made, especially when landing on platforms on top of buildings where the helicopter is thrown up and to the sides very strongly. But watching the video at the beginning of the post you can clearly see that the person has no control over the helicopter and in this case I think the person who made the video should train more.At first I had the same problem, but after insisting for a while I was able to control the hover, taxi and land in an acceptable way.
Watch the video below, it’s the same helicopter and the person has full control:
One option is to practice for a while using the cyclic assistance to get used to the pedals and collective. Then try removing the assistance.
Large helicopters also seem much more stable to me than small ones.
Just goes to show that certain things in the sim are ■■■■ and this should all have been sorted before it was released. I dont think they’ve even half tested it. Have they even tested it on xbox? I very much doubt it. Unbelievable.