Thank you ASOBO ! It seems that the airplane dynamics going the right way, however sore is some more work to do.
I’m happy to see that the G36 Bonanza is finally more realistic and friendly to fly. It used to have a very bad sink rate on landing but now i can land at proper speed and still see the runway because the nose is not extremely high.
The Autopilot got a lot better ! Not perfect but at least it does nice smooth turns and not too bad on the level off ! It’s a lot better than it used to be.
Took the Cessna CJ4 for first ride, and was also impressed that i could actually land it ! without any crazy behavior, feels very nice and stable as well the power feels not too bad to a jet this size / thrust ratio.
On the other hand there is yet some airplanes that didn’t got enough attention and still suffer from issues causing strange behavior : DA62 accelerates extremely slow. DA40NG under powered and got the prop over-speed all the time. Some planes still need very high pitch and lots of power to maintain 500-800 feet per minute to maintain a nice steady ILS approach causing extremely fast speeds.
I hope that after all ASOBO will concentrate on avionics and airplane dynamics to fix in once and for all. The scenery and graphics are amazing !
There is still planes with issues, however it gets a little better but there is still work to do.
I bet they threw in there numbers from the books, no real world pilot with good flight experience tested these planes. The once I flew / Flying are not what i would say “Realistically made” to include : DA62, Baron, A320, The Cessna 172/152 are close enough, just the mixture can be improved.
Again… I don’t know how they decided or measured the performance, but even if they went by the book, the performance are based on Max takeoff weight and standard atmosphere in most cases.
The update really improved the AP on the 787 because earlier i did a flight to dubai with vnav and it descended and on approach it followed altitude constraints which i myself have never seen it do that before this update, I will test it out some more later today.
Agree this is a great update - lots of improvements and fixes plus all that scenery.
One of Asobo’s challenges is keeping all the different parts of the community happy. For example, in contrast to the AP comments above (and my experience) we have this thread today: