Improve AI Traffic at Airports and in The Air

Maybe thats just it ,a pathfinding issue.
I also usually save a game before landing attempts & this flight they suggested I climbed to 12000ft again after loading that save where I was in landing phase & no such thing was suggested prior to reloading.
It was like the game was backtracking all the previous flightpoints 1 by 1 after I reloaded that save.So the pathfinding issues might be on multiple levels too.

In the air, I also often have an issue when I lower the flaps in landing phase…it often launches me in the air,even if my throttle is low.I suddenly go from like 3000feet to 15000+ ft in several seconds
where my altitude bar is stuck at the top of increasing altitude. Maybe its cause I have winds enabled? Disabled auto pilot assistance while landing just to be sure…Still happens.Or is it because I increase the flaps too soon ? I’m not sure if this is supposed to be this way.If its an error on my part or a bug.(usually when flying an airbus)

Also the finished screen no longer seems to pop for me after installing my plane at the gate. Usually I put it on auto pilot to check if the plane needs to be moved forward a bit to pop it.That has worked once or twice in the past…but now the green square just vanishes & nothing pops up.I’m not sure if that is needed to save progress? I went to check my achievements & it says I’ve only landed at 6 airports so far.While i’m sure its about 40 or so by now(play it through steam)

I used to wait as a plane crosses the road while taxiing but guess i’m too kind.Sometimes the plane just stops responding & after several minutes its still there.Then after few minutes I discover I can ride right through it

I know this probably is because they are seen as scenery atm. I think I’d prefer them to be real traffic that you have to take into account

The pushback often seems to bug out a bit too

I think there also is an issue with AI planes freezing on the runway & blocking it. Took off in Lisabon & had to wait like 10 mins before the runway was cleared.I decided to keep an eye on the runway & the plane was just standing there & then poof it vanished & I was cleared to take off;But after my departure another AI plane had same issue on the runway I think as the message to clear runway kept spamming

Guess it could be a pathfinding /track issue at the airport(s) for AI planes.Had it happen at other airports,but at Lisabon it seems to be really bad