[In Development] Just Flight - Black Square - Velocity XL

Here’s a quick and easy guide to cruising efficiently: Flying Efficiently - SavvyAviation

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IRL you’d simply set cruise power, find your lean peak, then either cruise on the lean side of peak, going as lean as possible for smooth engine operation, or go about 100* rich of peak. You always want wide open throttle, as that is where the engine will always run most efficiently.

So I don’t have the sim open right now but I can confirm from memory this the behavior on the BSQ Velocity XL. There is a fastest speed at WOT on the rich side and on the lean side (if you do WOT at the peak, you exceed the max safe EGT). On the lean side, the max speed you get at high altitude with max safe EGT is 10+ kts faster than on the rich side.

When descending during the flight I usually reduce throttle on the lean side, then as I get to the approach I switch to the rich side and then work the throttle.

Can you go rich or lean of peak EGT at WOT? You wouldn’t want to fly at peak EGT anyway. I’ve been meaning to pick this one up, just haven’t really had the time to mess with MSFS.

Wow, thank you very much. Now I’m understanding it. You have given me information for a few days. Red’s video is the one you posted on Marionetteworks.
Thanks again.

Can you go rich or lean of peak EGT at WOT?

Right, I don’t think you want to do WOT on the rich side during cruise (you can during a short takeoff), if you’re full rich you will reduce the throttle to keep your temperatures down.

I kind of hope Black Square will enhance this aircraft to give it damage or wear and tear if you exceed the guidelines.

That Martin Pauly video you linked is very good, I watched it a while back and it helped me understand the process. I find this kind of tweaking a lot more fun than simply setting the throttle on the Diamond aircraft, yet on the Velocity you still have modern and complex avionics (and climate control). I like binding the mixture and propeller to rotary knobs/axis, then it becomes a tactile experience where you make little manual adjustments to get that extra performance.

Edit: @joselejoe64 I edited my post above with an additional point about LittleNavMap Fuel Report. When you create your flight plan in LittleNavMap, load up a Velocity XL Performance Profile and get the prediction for the fuel required for the flight, and only fill up that amount (usually a lot less than default). Then during the flight you can tweak your engine to get the exact predicted fuel usage, while trying to extract the fastest possible speed using mixture leaning.

I just picked this up, nice airplane.

So I’m messing with the cruise settings, and at WOT, 10k feet, 1350 RPM, full rich I’m getting about 1620* TIT. I’m assuming TIT is what you are referring to with the EGT limits. LOP I can get that below 1600 for about a 12kt loss in cruise speed. Tested these settings up to 18k feet and can’t exceed the TIT limits with any combination of RPM or throttle. So WOT should be fine.

A TSIO550 (what BS says is in the plane) is rated for 1750* continuous.

1350 rpm, I don’t bring it anywhere near that low. I’ve been keeping it at 2450 during cruise since I didn’t notice any major performance or fuel gains before by lowering it below that, but I’ll play around next time. I guess in real life lower is better (less wear and tear).

The EGT is displayed on the “minimized” engine display (when it’s in the right or left of the frame), it’s usually almost the same as TIT. I just try to not keep it in the red, but obviously if you’re going for range you’ll be well below that.

Yes at high altitude you can probably go full rich at WOT, but you’ll get better performance/GPU if you go lean.

Sorry that’s a typo. 2350 rpm.

The point is I had no problem running wide open throttle, which I think was the original question.

So full rich or 100* ROP unless you’re high enough to have the MP drop below 29". Then lean accordingly.

Wide open throttle

RPM 2300-2400

For the most part, it is working for me in 24. Now if only 24 worked for me as well as 2020!

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Last I tried it, it was making a jet engine sound. Is that fixed, and was there a Velocity update for that? Any avionics issues to report?

I was surprised that the exterior door handles actually work, as we were told no 2020 aircraft would have any exterior clickable features.

Given all the forum posts about absence of sounds, incorrect sounds, etc., I didn’t really listen for correct sounds. What I heard was probably too quiet and too streamlined to be reciprocating engine sounds, but whatever for right now. As far as Avionics, I’m rather new to G3X in 2020 with the Velocity, so what I managed to make use of worked for the most part. Others can do a more thorough assessment there. I’m not aware of any updates, just throwing non-24 planes to the tarmac to see what sticks without having to do a structured walk around. This one passed.

It does not work for me in MSFS2024:
No engine sound, other sounds seem to be ok.
AP just does not work as FP is not recognised, I do have the GTN750 installed.

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Yeah the engine sounds are wrong. I have been able to make the AP work with my own navigation. The whole flight plan integration needs an update to work. Good time to practice other means of getting around. Cheers!

Anyone heard if this is being updated for 2024? …as I love flying this in 2020.

Pretty sure I heard they will all be updated at some point but he has a lot of work to do on his entire portfolio.

The Velocity XL works OK as long as you don’t change the fuel quantity. If you do it just goes nose up and you can’t get it back!

That’s good to hear,
The main issue I have is the missing sound …and if you switch on the cabin fan it sounds like a leaf blower!

Its interesting you mention the nose up thing.
…I have an issue with the BS TBM850 in 2024 …as soon as you select the aircraft it just sits on its tail from the start.
I know its not ‘officially’ sorted in 2024 yet …but the BS stuff ports across faultlessly …just the TBM has this issue!
…Maybe I need to go back and try out some things with it!

Ah yea… the sounds… I fixed that somehow. Had to copy the Extra300 sound pack from 2020 and put it in Airplanes folder in VXL I think. Hang on, I’ll ask my mate that guided me to do this if he can remember how exactly.

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  • Copy the plane to Community 2024
  • Copy Extra330 .pck sound file from 2020 Official folder to community2024 where your XL is now. I think the path is simobjects/airplanes/330/sound
  • Drag layout.json file from Comunity2024 and drop in on the MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe

Doing this from my phone so can’t easily find a link to the .exe but should be easy with Google

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Same works with TBM850. Just replace 330 with TBM930 :wink:

Many thanks, will check that out later! :slight_smile: