Inaccurate / Unrealistic Temperatures When Climbing and at Cruise

I have been getting inaccurate / unrealistic temp readings on the MFD below is what I’ve experienced

  • Temp goes up instead of down when climbing and temperature can go up to 50C+ making it hard for the aircraft to climb

  • I use REX Weather Force 2020 and when that doesn’t work I use Live Weather and they both do the same thing

  • Restarting REX Weather Force 2020 after starting flight corrects temperature but continuing using Live Weather does not

I have never experienced this behavior with live weather. I don’t have REX though. Could it be that this is something caused by REX?

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I think it could be, I sent REX an email and they said their servers went down but they fixed them but still seems like there are still some issues

Closing topic as the issue is probably not current anymore.