IndiaFoxtEcho F35 Lightning

Auto trim must be work in progress because without the auto trim its not really fly by wire. It feels at the moment like a hybrid of sorts. However it currently has to be manually trimmed. My understanding is it will be an option or hopefully? Sounds good to me I was trying to see if it would auto trim yesterday and NOPE.

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It has been already stated probably a dozen times, that flybywire (what you actually mean is autotrim) will be implemented back by the devoloper.

Kind Regards

Is there actually an option for nose wheel steering I am missing?

Surprised me that the beta testers didn’t want FBW but a plane that trims like a Piper (no offense to Piper … love’em). No idea who these testers were but c’mon this is state-of-the-art FBW fighter jet and it should have FBW trim like the real plane. FBW A320 is the best example in the sim.

Maybe it is a bit complicated if the plane has various FBW modes like A320 such as ground, flare, normal. Anyhow, I hope it is coming soon.


Can’t seem to find the mid air fuel tank extender either…

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It’s on the PCD. Circled it for you

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Hi - I’m having trouble landing the F35A well. It seems to always want to come in fast or stall before the runway. Also veers sharply to the left when I do get it down.

Anyone have any tips? Landing speed / procedure?

Generally manage ok with other fast jets.

Hi! Well… I am no pro, but I usually land with spoilers (speed brakes) to get the speed down to around 140-160 knots. Gears down at that speed of course. Flaps should also be fully deployed.

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If I choose to download this aircraft from Just Flight, do I need to watch this forum and download future updates manually? Or will it be updated via the in game marketplace when it gets there (if ever)?

Just Flight will send an email to you when a new update is available


Thank you kindly and wow does it ever look good!

Reminds me the lights are also bugged on the F35B and I do not think Asobo has managed to fix the issue on SU8. So it seems developers will have to update their planes or we would be waiting months still.

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Do we know a release date for the f35 for console

Latest on Facebook was that even IFT have no idea for Xbox Release as Microsoft have an issue where as soon as they encrypt it, the game has major performance issues and causes crashes if my understanding is right.

FBW any time soon?

Most certainly needs an update after SU8 and seeing MAX trim on AP was LOL. It’s mostly working but AP bugs out hard and without a proper AP disengage function it seems to get all wonky with the flight model after. Great plane but like all my planes they were effected by SU8 in various ways. Looking forward to an update. If you need more testers at this point I would rather fly the beta update if we have one.

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I’d post this on the Discord channel for the topic. The developer is active on it.

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‘Spike’ F-35 flight through the Mach Loop today 10/03/2022

Actual photos taken by me and not some MSFS mash up :relaxed:


Nice pics. Not a very good stealth plane IRL is it? I can see it!


For people who prefer buying from the Marketplace:

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