Inertial Separator on TBM

I have the Bravo Throttle Quadrant switches set for Anti-ice and Windshield de-ice and every time I turn them on the Inertial Separator alarm comes on and stays on as long as the anti-ice is active. Regardless of whether or not I try and turn off the inertial separator (or even if it is not actually on in the cockpit) I can’t clear the alarm and the aircraft performance suffers as well. Anybody else having this issue?

You can’t clear the alarm because the inertial separator causes a significant performance loss.

Furthermore when using the separator you have to watch torque and ITT more closely because both values can be exceeded more easily.


Engine anti-ice is the inertial separator. The difference between anti-ice in another plane and the TBM is that if you activate the switch in your TBM virtual cockpit, the separator is slowly cycled from 0 to100% (or vice versa) over a span of 30 seconds vs instantaneous switch with the the keybind.

Unfortunately, there’s no fix or workaround for this.

There are also no keybinds for the master caution and warning. You have to mouse click those away.


Inertial separators or intake deflectors usually tend to move really sloooow and e.g. on the Dash7 you could watch them extend (usually at least one of them got stuck in the extended position…)


So basically I must unbind the Bravo switches and only use the mouse to control the de-ice functions in order to keep the inertial separator from coming on?

Until Asobo fix it, that’s your option. Only the engine anti ice. Other individual anti ice commands can stay bound.

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Definitely. Windshield heat is usually ON, while the inertial separator is OFF.


Well actually there is no “engine anti-ice” switch in the TBM (or not mine anyway :slight_smile: ) . Are you referring to the “Prop de-ice”?

engine anti-ice = inertial separator.

(The intake lip is always heated)


Prop and airframe deice you can bind separately to switches to activate them. Engine anti ice is what causes the separator to switch on instantly.

They are completely separate switches on the De Ice System panel. (Insert head scratch here)

Which switches are you talking about?

If you only have a single switch bounty to deice, it will switch all those things on on your cockpit with 1 switch. Bind the separate individual deice commands to different switches

Ok. Then which switch on the TBM refers to “Engine anti-ice”?, because it doesn’t exist on the TBM panel.

Again, engine anti-ice = inertial separator
(only used in this example to match @Crunchmeister71s description)

More precisely:
Engine anti-ice usually refers to the heated engine intake.

The intertial separator is just what the name implies.

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The terminology in this thread doesn’t match up with the actual switch panel in the TBM itself so that’s why I’m having a hard time understanding.

There are 7 switches (on/off) on the De Ice System panel. It seems if any are bound to the Bravo switch panel then there are problems with one or more aspects of the entire De Ice System. I will work with the individual switches to try and figure out if there is a magic combination that won’t interfere with some other function but it was never a problem before I stated using the Bravo. Everything worked fine with the mouse controlling the switches.

Concerning binding;

I’m not in the sim, but according to the manual there should be six.

windshield, pitot l htr, pitot r + stall htr > these should be always on

airframe de-ice, prop de-ice, inert sep > only when required.

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You are correct with the 7th switch being the “ice light” (wing). Thanks for your replies (and Crunchmeister too.)

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When you use the generic anti-ice bind command, all your anti-ice options get enabled.

There are, however, options to bind each of those commands separately. They all have pretty much the same name in the menus as in the cockpit (more or less anyway) except the intertial separator which in the TBM is bound to Engine Anti Ice 1.

So any of those other anti-ice commands can be bound to any switch and will have no effect on the in-sep. Only engine anti ice 1 will toggle the in-sep.

Hope that clears things up.

I did notice in the menus there’s a bind for something along the lines of “delayed engine anti-ice” or something to that effect (can’t remember the exact command - not at my home computer atm). In my mind, this should be the command to properly toggle the in-sep, but it doesn’t seem to do anything for me in the TBM.

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Thanks Crunch – that’s actually exactly the information I was looking for a while ago, but didn’t have a chance to track down: I was having lots of confusion with the “anti-ice” option in the TBM specifically, and it sounds like I just need to use more specific bindings.

Good to know which one individually triggers the inertial separator, as that one causes performance problems so I don’t want it on when I don’t need it!

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