The original topic on this was closed a day ago so cant respond to it. I’ve just downloaded the V3 of this and the scaling in LNM is still tiny although the other apps on it seem to be ok. I’ve read the work around in the other thread but its the flight plan list that is still tiny.
Any ideas how to make it all bigger, all the top menu words are that small you cant even click on them to go to the flight plan table most of the time and if you do manage it its totally unreadable, I’ve changed loads of text size boxes in LNM options but no joy.
On this point what possesses someone to do an update to a game such as this that breaks something that affects so many small developers and must cost them tonnes of lost revenue and then just say “ah well tough luck we cant be bothered to fix that”. Its precisely this attitude why gamers, TV watchers or whatever don’t have any conscience whatsoever about pirated stuff, they just think “well they would do it to you given half the chance”