Instrument readability / Cockpit too dark / Eye Adaptation

I do not have an HDR monitor, and there are a couple of planes where the interior is so dark I am having a lot of difficulties figuring out when switches are on or off…
Ironically : these are often lighting switches (DR400, TBM930)

True, I use the gamma and brightness sliders in the Nvidia control panel to find a right mix between inside and outside. I suppose this realistic effect has been designed with upcoming VR in mind.

The Nvidia control panel is, unfortunately, a crude compromise.
I don;t think it has anything to do with VR. The effect is copied over from FSX, and implemented in the new MSFS lighting system.
Maybe with a HDR monitor, the effect is not severe – I also do not have a HDR monitor to see if that would make the effect less severe.

But it “is what it is” — and clearly now, trying to get anything “Changed” or even recognized as being an issue, is like pulling teeth.

Fully agree. The cockpits are WAY TOO DARK.
And what about the hangar?
There the plane is always against he light, no way to properly vier the cockpit…

Is there anyway to turn up brightness in the cockpit? The shadows make the cockpit too dark. I have my brightness on high, I turn of all the lights up, but the truth is I can’t see the ■■■■ ccokpit when its in shadows. I’ve tried turning contact shadows completely off and the cockpit is still too dark. It’s the shadows that are the problem. We have to have higher brightness in the cockpits. This is a little ridiculous.

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Have you got an Nvidia gfx card?
If so you could try the Freestyle shader options via the geforce experience program. You can adjust many visual parameters from there with no performance hit.

Yes the 1650. I’ll check it out. Thanks

You need to enable the experimental features option first.

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Does the flashlight (alt-L, I think) help?

Shadows are fine. Turn on your cockpit lights


Done that. Cabin light, flood lights. every light there is. It’s the shadows that are just too dark. Have to really zoom in to see.


I don’t have that problem at all. Maybe your monitor is too dark or has too much contrast.

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Maybe your monitor settings are jacked up? Have you calibrated it at all?

99% of monitors come out absolutely effed up out of the box.

Honestly I find the game too bright sometimes. Flying at night, your visibility is way better than it is in life. That being said, the global illumination in the game is so good, I don’t think “shadows” are the problem.

Screenshot, perhaps??


It’s an HP 15.6in gaming laptop. FS2004 looks great as does everything else so I don’t think it’s calibration issue.

So I’ve got that checked but where do I go to edit it?

Post a screenshot where you feel the cockpit is too dark?

Will do tomorrow. It’s pretty much every cockpit. If it’s in the sun it’s fine. If it’s in the shadows it basically unreadable unless zoomed in.

Hi @timinorlando,
Also try connecting it an external monitor or TV and see if you get the same. That would eliminate the laptop screen. On my laptop, I also had to turn the brightness down.

On laptops, the power settings might also be kicking in to dim the screen? In Windows 10, you can tell it to allow MSFS “High Performance”. Settings > Gaming > Game Mode > Graphic Settings > Choose an app to set preference > then select MSFS - this will disable power settings for that app.

EDIT: I’ll add this too… I’m sure you’ve checked it but I’m going to through it out there. :wink: Check the “Night Light” setting in Windows 10. If it’s on, turn it off. On turns off the blue emitting light which makes that “grey” color in the cockpit.

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Alt + z will give you lots of options for screenshots, performance etc…

Or alt F3 will give you the filters overlay, I use brightness/contrast, detail and colour filters.

The detail one adds too much sharpness so take that right back down , I have 0 but you can choose.

For colour take the top 2 sliders to 0 and just use the bottom slider to adjust colour saturation.

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Some of the settings do have a minor performance hit.